dissabte, 14 de maig del 2016


LINK (my best oral evidence)
LINK (my best written)

I have chosen that two posts because I think that there are my two best posts in my English blog.
First, I'm going to talk about why is that my best oral evidence and secondly, I'm going to talk about why I have done a written as good as that. 

So, I have chosen that oral evidence because it was the first time ever that I can say that I was relaxing during my oral presentation and I could explain all like a story. While I was doing that oral presentation I felt so good and then it was when I realize that I really like doing oral presentations and only I had to realize that the secret is to be relaxing during the presentation to explain what you know and to don't complicate the sentences, you only have to do as most simple to understand as possible because people who are listening to you express your gratitude for taking it easy and you'll be more relaxing because you know that all that you are saying is the truth and easy. I don't know why but is the only presentation that I really enjoy doing but not only to do, also to prepare because I think that it's the best prezi that I had ever done.

I have chosen that written because I think that is the best written that I ever have done because I really like horses and I ride horses until I was only a few moths and in summer I work with them. And when I realize what happen with Olivia (if you read the post you'll understand) I felt identify because I fell a lot of times by a horse and to luck I never make real damage and she died only for a fell by a horse. I don't know why but it really was affected by that news and the hashtag #RIDEFOROLIVIA and I wants to participate in that movement. I think that people who ride a horse have a special connection because when it something happens all people who ride a horse around the world have anything to say or to do only to help a little bit and to support the people who suffer the accident.

So, I think that's all my best and I hope to improve until that two posts are not the best but the worsts.   


LINK (First written)
LINK (Last written)

My first written was "My dream" and I can see that my dream is the same until three years ago which is to be a professional volleyball player. In my first post on the blog, I didn't write a lot because my level on 4th of ESO was very poor. Nowadays, three years after I can see an important improvement because just when I'm doing a post I have lots of ability to write in English and me write posts were about 200 words more or less and before I only could write 100 words by post and I remember that it was so difficult to me. So, I'm really happy with my improve and I hope to follow improving as now.

LINK (First oral presentation)
LINK (Last oral presentation)

On my first oral presentation, I see that I really felt nervous and it was like I didn't study but now in my last oral presentation I can see that I had done my best oral presentation. I remember when I did my first oral presentation and I think that it was really embarrassing because I stuttered and I had to see the paper all time but I passed and that was important to me. But now, I see that my last oral presentation it's really the best presentation that I had done because I explain all so clear and I really had done a presentation I explain all that I had known about "how I met your mother?" and I felt relax and calm. I think that if since the start I realize that to do an oral presentation is nothing difficult my marks could be better and I could be happier since now with my result. But the truth is that I'm satisfied with my improving and I hope that I improve more and more to learn English and to get out of the way my fear to do an oral presentation.

diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

I'M YOURS - Jason Mraz

Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
Now I'm trying to get back

Bé, tu me la vas jugar i pots apostar que ho vaig sentir
He intentat estar fred, pero tu ets tan calenta que em fonies
Vaig caure just en les esquerdes
Ara estic intentant tornar

Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my best test
And nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention.
I reckon, It's again my turn
To win some or learn some.

Abans que tot allò que és bo s'acabi
Donaré el millor de mi 
I no hi haurà res que m'aturi tret d'una intervenció divina
Crec que altra vegada, és la meva oportunitat 
de guanyar o d'apendre alguna cosa

But I won't hesitate 
No more, no more.
It cannot wait,
I'm yours.

Però no dubtaré més
mai més, mai més
No puc esperar,
sóc teu.

Well, open up your mind and see like me,
Open up your plans and damn you're free.
Look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love, love.
Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing, we're just one big family
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved, loved, loved, loved, loved

Bé, obra la teva ment i mira com jo
Obra els teus plans i les teves maladicció i seràs lliure
Mira dins del teu cor i hi trobaràs amor, amor, amor, amor.
Escolta la música del moment, la gent balla i canta, només som una gran família
I és el nostre punyeter dret ser estimats, estimats, estimats, estimats, estimats

So I won't hesitate

No more, no more.
It cannot wait,
I'm sure.
There's no need to complicate.
Our time is short.
This is our fate,
I'm yours.

No dubtaré més
mai més, mai més
no puc esperar,
estic segur.
No hi ha la necessitat de complicar-se 
el nostre temps és curt
és el nostre destí,
sóc teu.

Do you, but do you do, but you don't want to come on, scooch on over closer, dear

And I will nibble your ear

Però tú, tu no vols venir, acosta't una mica al foc estimada
i et "mossegaré" l'orella

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer 
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and I laughed.

He estat fugint massa temps mossegant-me la llengua davant del mirall
I doblegant-me davant les inconveniències tan sols per intentar veure-ho clar
Però el meu alè va entalar el vidre
I així vaig dibuixar una nova cara i vaig riure.

I guess what I'll be saying is there ain't no better reason

To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons.
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue.

Suposo que el que estic diguent és que no hi ha una raó millor
perquè et desfagis de la vanitat i et deixis emportar
és el nostre propòsit
el nostre nom és la nostra virtud

But I won't hesitate

No more, no more.
It cannot wait, 
I'm yours.

Però no dubtaré més
mai més, mai més
No puc esperar,
sóc teu.

Listen, well open up your mind and see like me,
Open up your plans and damn you're free.
Look into your heart and you'll find that the sky is yours.
So please don't, please don't, please don't...
There's no need to complicate.
'Cause our time is short.
This oh, this oh, this is our fate.
I'm yours.

Escolta, bé, obra la teva ment i mira com jo,
obra els teus horitzons i la maladicció i seràs llilure
mira dins del teu cor i trobaràs que el cel és teu
Doncs si us plau no, si us plau no, si us plau no...
no hi ha necessitat de complicar-se
perquè el nostre temps és curt
aquest oh, aquest oh, aquest és el nostre destí.
Sóc teu.

This is my favourite song because it has a really beauty melody and when I was little I didn't understand the letter and I only listen to that song for the melody but nowadays I have a better level of English than when I was little and I understand the letter. And this song talks about a couple who break up their love but the man wants to try again and he tells she that they had to forget all and starts again because our life is short and they have to enjoy the time.

In my opinion, I think that Jason Mraz has the reason because we only had one life we have to enjoy it and it doesn't matter what people tells us because it's impossible to like everybody. I think that when you're in love with somebody you have to tell him because you never knows what could happen and you know the life is short and you have to enjoy it. I think that people who tell what they think (always carefully) are happier, people who tell "forget all our past and try again because it was simply, I love you." is people who know that the life is for enjoying it and for anything and if they wants to enjoy their life with you by their side why aren't tell you that? I don't know, I think that if somebody tells you that it's because he really love you and you shouldn't say no because it's an opportunity to enjoy your life. You have to jump into the pool and see what happen only then you could tell that you fail or no.   

dissabte, 7 de maig del 2016



Nowadays we are in a complicated period because 21.4% of individuals ages 24 to 34 were living at home in 2014, compared to 17.8% in 2009 and just 13% in 2005. In the United States, 20% of people between 24 to 34 years old are living with their parents.

Rent is expected to increase so people who can't leave at home has to stay for many years at home with their parents.

In my opinion, I think that our system is failing because in Spain there are the "selfie age" and there are people of 24 to 34 years old more or less who are annulling to society because when they finished their studies started the crisis Spain and most of them are working in bars or they simply don't work. As a result of that, that people cannot become independent and they have to live with their parents. They are out of society and they can't create a family because their economic situation don't permit. That situation it's horrible because people who nowadays finish the degree find job but that people, the people of 24 to 34 is impossible that they find a job nowadays because they didn't had any experiencie and they were finish their degree to many years ago. So that people are annul and his life will be to live with their parents probably the rest of their lives or too years more.



According to Robin Dunbar, we had a relation with our brain and our ability to do friends. He tells us that we have a maximum of 5 best friends 10 close pals, 35 acquaintances and 100 other random they met only God knows where.

Mr. Dunbar had done an experiment that consists of analyzing six billion phone calls made by 35 million people from 2007. And the frequency of calls between two people is a measure of how strong or weak their relationship is.  The results of that experiment verify the proposal of Mr. Dunbar.

In my opinion, I think that's true that our bests friends only can count with a hand because it's true that for example in a party (birthday) there about 60 people but you only are best friend of 4 people or 5 maximum 6 the rest are only "friends". For example I have a group of friends were are 11 friends and I'm the only girl but if I want to go anywere with they I know that I tell first to Conor, Pau, Marc or Marti and Berta who is my best friend but she isn't in that group. Here you can see that of 11 people I can only stay alone with they with 4 and I don't know why but I know that I never go alone with Pep at anywhere. I think that I needn't more friends because they are fantastic but by the other hand I wants to go to university and meet new people and change a bit my group of friends because now we are about 18 years old and I think that nobody wants to study the same and we will separate only in a couple of months.

divendres, 6 de maig del 2016



Nowadays people use too much their mobile phone and as a result of that many people suffer a traffic accident because of they are looking their mobile, people who were walking looks their mobile and they don't realize that they are crossing the street and that produce lots of run over.

So a German city put lights in the crosswalk because people who is using the mobile looks the red light in the street and then stops.

It experiment starts after a 15 years old girl dies because of while she was using her mobile a tram run over her.

So people try to increase security because they don't know what they have to do because people are atending in the street while they are crossing and people stop using their mobile because it's dangerous if you don't realize the rest.

I think that people above all young people are addict to mobile and that is dangerous because they need to use their mobile all day while they are driving, while they are in class, while they are eating, while they are crossing the streets, etc. and that's so dangerous because it produce lots of accidents and people always think that the accidents only happen to other people and never to they but for bad luck they realize that they have to be more prudent when they are in the hospital or when a member of their family or a friend die for an accident. I think that we have to be more prudent but that it's impossible because we don't realize about anything until we fall face down and as a result of that, the society have to take new safety restraint.

dijous, 5 de maig del 2016


To: witehouse@president.com
Subject: Complaint human rights 

Dear Barak Obama,

We are writing to complain about people who violate human rights. Why do people violate human rights? Why are people who do not comply human rights subjected to a trial?

The problems began from the moment we heard a man judging another man only because he was dark and the first human right, wich is "All human beings are born free and EQUAL in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." tells us that all men are free and equal but our question is why do human right exist if people are violating them? We think that we have to be subjected to the law in order to carry out human rights.

On the one hand, the third human right wich is "everyone has the right to live, liberty and security of person." tells us that we have to live and let people live and if you judge anyone for the color of his/her skin you subject him/her under bullying and you do not let him live.

On the other hand, all schools are breaking down human rights because there are always a boy or a girl bullying another. We want to stop bullying but first, we have to subject human rights under the law.

In conclusion, we have to change that situation but to change that first we have to give substance to human rights.

We look forward to your reply
Yours faithfully,
Campio Gameiro and Laura Catalán

Campio Gameiro and Laura Catalán
4 Oxford street
London NW2 515
Mobile: 039-090-7215
E-mail: casablava@gmail.com



People are reporting business for ridiculous thinks but now the most ridiculous sued is for Starbucks. Stacy Pincus tells that the ice that Starbucks is using in the coffee are too much big and as a result of that the coffee is coffee with water.

Pincus asks for 5$ million and he tells that he share out all that money to all people who bought a Starbucks coffee in 10 years ago.

Of course for Starbucks that it's ridiculous because all people who buy a cold coffe knows that it take ice and when the ice thaw then they have coffe with water.

I think that people had lots of free time and instead of search a work they want to destroy the business. I think that people are mad because you know all of that and it's stupid to take a complaint against anything that you know. It's obvious that people put ice in cold drinks I'm doing that at home when I want to drink coca cola and I know that if I wait I have coca cola with water and I know also that the ice is doing that don't fit so much drink but it doesn't matter. It's true that you pay for a drink and if it's like Starbucks it's more expensive but they are doing the same that all bars are doing when you bought a cold coffee
e. And if we report Starbucks we have to report all bars around the world.

dimecres, 4 de maig del 2016



The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) discovered a new jellyfish. They found the animal in April in the Mariana Trench (between Japan and Indonesia).

That jellyfish emits such brilliant light and it's true that the jellyfish looks like a cartoon but it really exists. And (NOAA) thinks that the jellyfish can ambush prey because of the movement of its head.

NOAA wants to research about it and they will research in the depths of the sea.

I think that the ocean is magic and I love it because there are lots of different animals and they are incredible because we never have seen an animal like that. I have seen the video of the news and I think that it jellyfish it's incredible because it transmits me a feeling of peace and relaxes. I have to say that when I was little I had scary by ocean and I soak by the first time when I was 5 years old and now I really love the ocean and I always think about summer because I always go to Almadrava beach and there I swim and I love to swim alone and only see the fishes. I really love swim in the ocean but only when I can see what is under me I have to see the floor. And now I remember that last summer I went to Port de la Selva in a little beach and I was swimming with a friend and we were taking photos with the GoPro and suddenly while we were swimming we stop because just in front of me were a baby jellyfish. It was really beautiful but my friend was scary and she swam away but I remember that the jellyfish was purple it was really beautiful and I stay like 5 minutes observing the jellyfish. The truth is that jellyfish are beautiful but we are scary with them because of it bite ours
. So I hope that this summer I'll have the opportunity to see another jellyfish as nearby as the last time. 

divendres, 29 d’abril del 2016



This news talk about huging dogs. When you hug a dog it feels like if it can't move and that's produce a stressing feeling in it. When a dog feels uncomfortable and the symptoms are take down their ears and avoid the look. And in 81,6% of photos where are people huging dogs the dogs are with that symptoms and that means that the dog feels uncomfortable. And that can be a reason because a dog bite a child when the chil try to hug it.

So I think that's true because when you went to the veterinary by the first time the dog see that it can't move and then when you have to go to veterinary the dog feels angry or stress because it knows that it can't move and that's a stressing feeling not only for dogs. And we have to think about that because our dogs aren't objects, they are animals and we have to love them like an animal like a dog. Because we are also animals but we love in different way and when we wants to give love to somebody we hug he but a dog aren't, and here we have to understand what they want and how can we show our love with them. The answer is easy, we only have to go with they in a parck where they can run and run with other dogs or only with our but we have to give them liberty and if we hug they we don't give liberty to them. I really love animals and of course I really love dogs but only a year ago my dog death and now I have to get over and be stronger to give a house and to give my love to another dog.

BAD DAY - Daniel Powter

Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carrying on

On està el moment que més necessitàvem,
dones una patada a les fulles i la màgia desapareix,
em diuen que els teus cels blaus s'han tornat grisos,
em diuen que la teva passió se n'ha anat,
i no necessito que segueixis plorant.

You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces everytime
And I don't need no carrying on

Esperes a la cua, tan sols per aconseguir un nou fracaç,
fingeixes un somriure quan demanes el cafè,
em dius que la teva vida s'ha allunyat molt de la línia,
et derrumbes en cada moment,
i no necessito que segueixis plorant.

Because you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Perquè vas tenir un mal dia,
estàs tirant a baix a un.
Cantes una cançó trista només per donar-li la volta,
dius que no ho saps,
em dius que no menteixi,
et treballes un somriure i vas a donar una volta.
Vas tenir un mal dia,
la càmera no menteix,
estàs tornant a baixar i en realitat no t'importa,
vas tenir un mal dia,
vas tenir un mal dia.

Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carrying on

Necessites unes vacances de cel blau,
l'assumpte és que ells se'n riuen del que dius,
i no necessito que segueixis plorant.

You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day, oh, holiday

Vas tenir un mal dia,
estàs enfonsant a un.
Cantes una cançó trista només per donar-li la volta,
dius que no ho saps,
em demanes que no menteixi,
et treballes un somriure i vas a donar una volta.
Vas tenir un mal dia,
la càmera no menteix,
estàs tornant a baixar i en realitat no t'importa,
vas tenir un mal dia, oh, vacances.

Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that's wrong
And I'm not wrong

A vegades el sistema no funciona bé,
i tot surt malament,
podries no aconseguir fer-lo tornar i saps
que podries estar be, oh, això no és correcte,
i jo no estic equivocat.

So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you died
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

Llavors, on està la passió quan més la necessites?
Oh, vas morir,
Dones patades a les fulles i la màgia s'ha perdut.

Because you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Had a bad day

Perquè vas tenir un mal dia,
estàs enfonsant a un.
Cantes una cançó trista només per donar-li la volta,
dius que no ho saps,
em demanes que no menteixi,
et treballes un somriure i vas a donar una volta.
Vas tenir un mal dia,
has vist el que sembles,
i com se sent una vegada més,
vas tenir un mal dia,
vas tenir un mal dia.
Vas tenir un mal dia 

This song talks about a boy or a girl who had a bad day and he follows to being bad the rest of the days and he isn't getting off. That's a problem because he is doing that his friend is feeling sad also and he pass on that feeling with his friends. Then you and people who love you always will feel sad next to you because they meet you and they know when you are imitating a smile. 

I really like that song and always when I listen to that song I finally cry because the melody it's really beautiful but the letter I feel identify with it lots of times. Because I'm a really sensitive person and now, for example, I'm finishing 2nd of Batxillerat and I feel really exhausted, I cry every day because I feel that I can't with all, I feel sad every day that's a torture to me and all my friends and my family are realize about that and I see that for my blame they are bad by my side and that it's worse because I know that it's my blame and then I feel sadder and it's like a fish eating his tail. I know that I have to wait and study a lot because I'm in the final straight line but I don't know why but when I'm studying I wants to give the maximum of me and I can only profit the minimum, I read a line one time and another and I never remember what it says in that line. It's true that I had a bad day but today also I had a bad day and tomorrow I'll also again had a bad day and it will following that until I finish second of Batxillerat. But then, when I finish that torture I know that I'll recover my character and people who love me, well now hate me for my character, will love me again. Well, that song tells me that you have to forget your bad day and be happy again because our life is short and we have to enjoy it although batxillerat don't let me. 

diumenge, 24 d’abril del 2016


I answer that question with an example.

Last year, one weekend I had two games of volleyball one on Saturday in Olot and the other on Sunday in Salou. I remember that it was on Saturday when I played in Olot vs FCBarcelona and of course when we finish the game we lost but I think that was a fantastic experience because not everybody can say that. When I finish the match I went to "la cresta" to bought a chicken to eat and there I meet a boy, his name is Marc. And his father started to talk with me because my father is his boss. I didn't know Marc but when I saw him by the first time I fall in love with him. While I was talking with his father I only could see the beauty blue eyes of Marc and when I arrived at home the first thing that I have done was to take my father's mobile and search the number of Marc but while I was doing that my mobile receive a whats app I check the mobile and it was Marc. Both think the same in the same time! And of course we start to talk all day, I really think that I fall in love for the first time with him.

On Sunday, I have to wake up early because I have to went to Salou to play volleyball again and in the 6 hours of a bus that I had that day I was talking with Marc more or less 3 or 4 hours. It was fantastic because we were talking and we realize that we had lots of commune things and thinks. 

On next week, we decided to meet in Castelló to talk and stay together. When we meet we realize that we had a special connection because it was like we are friends of all life but of course I meet Mark only one week ago. I don't know what happened but it was special and strange.   

We follow meeting and two months after we start a relationship, whit him all was beauty and perfect he make me happy and it was all like a princess story. I was the happiest person in the world next him but he don't have any brother or sister and I think that it was that. His mother is really controller and she started to hate me and, nowadays still, I don't know why. His mother and his father started to make my life an horror film because I think that they thought that I want to take his son. But the truth is that I only want to stay with Marc and be happy with him. 

Marc and I stay one year and two months together but I couldn't support that torture more and we decided to finish our relation. I don't like that because I really love Marc and I only want to stay with him and be happy but his fathers stop that. 

I can tell that I believe in love at the first time because I fell in love at the first time but before that, I didn't believe in love at the first time. 

dijous, 21 d’abril del 2016



People who suffer really painful illness have to have a special medicine and to obtain that medicine they have to go to Ministry of Health in Guatemala and there they have to accept that the person who asks for the medicine have the illness to have that special medicine.

But it was impossible to many families and they have to only stay on the side of his familiar who suffer the illness and help he. And the sick have to support the painful until he or she dies.

The problem is that those medicines are illegal to consume if you aren't the illness and for that reason the doctor has to be careful to prescribe that medicines because he can to submit to trial.

There are people who are dying to pain and they cannot go to Ministry of Health because of their state and as a result of that, they cannot obtain the medicine that they need.

One doctor stops to prescribe morphine because it was impossible to obtain legally and he starts to help his patients to obtain morphine illegally because it's easy to obtain.

Guatemala has to change the rules because people who need that medicines could obtain legally and easy.

In my opinion, people who are really painful illness should obtain easy the medicines that they need and if a member of their family goes to Ministry of Health with the prescribe of a doctor the Ministry of Health have to give the permission to buy that medicine. I think that we had a big disorder in our world and we should stop a moment and organize all because then happens thinks like that. There are people that dying of painful and they cannot obtain the medicine that they need because there are people around the world who use like an opioid. We're all mad! Come on open your eyes and see that this system doesn't work. Please, we have to stop that and realize that we have to do anything because people of around the world are dying and we are not doing anything only because people who die is not our family or our friends. But one day or another you or one of the people who you love will die or will pain and then, when you will see that you cannot doing anything to help he or she, you will realize that the world have to change.


dissabte, 16 d’abril del 2016


Human rights are the rights you have simply because you're human. Now are 30 human rights and there was created on 1945 in United Nations. The United Nations has played an important role in international human-rights law since is creation. 
I'm not familiar with the right to democracy because if democracy is a right why in Spain or another countries have a dictatorship? I see another right: we're all equal before the law, and if we're all equal then is impossible that any country had a

When above everything rich people goes to buy on some supermarket or some shop if the worker is a boy or a girl from Africa then rich people see the shop in a different perspective. They don't buy anything if the worker is Moslem only because they think that Moslem are a lower race. In this case, the first human right is violated and for bad luck, I live a case like that.
I'm really proud of my class in school because there are people of around the world and we are like a family and in our class are two Moslem, one boy of Argentina, etc. And when we are together we see that we're all equal independently where we born. In this case, we respect the first human right.

endow: dotar d'alguna cosa

towards: cap a
property: propietat
Furthermore: a més a més

dilluns, 11 d’abril del 2016


In 22nd of May is my birthday and I'll do 18 years old. I'll do a big party at home with my friends and every body has to wear like a wedding because I wants to feel like a princess. I really wants that all my friends are with me on 21st of may because is the day of the party.

I have to buy a new dress and for that reason on 18th of May in the afternoon I'll go to Girona with my best friend Berta to buy our clothes. On Saturday my mother tells me that I have to leave home all day and in the afternoon I have to go to the hairdresser and to the make up artist for Berta and of cours for me.

When at night I have to go at home with all people we'll celebrate my birthday and I don't know what we'll do then but I hope that we celebrate my birthday and the end of 2nd of batxillerat. Because that week we finish 2nd of batxillerat and we will free.

Last year in my birthday my friends suprised me with a dinner in a restaurant that I really like and then we went to sikim to celebrate and yes, it was simply but I stay with my friens and that was all I want and that's all I want. Because it doesn't mater the place that really mater are the people who are around you.

I only wants to finish all and stay in my birthday now because I know that I will stay with people who I love, I could sleep and I wouldn't
have any worries. I wants to do that post after my birthday but I cannot because we'll finish on 18th.

dijous, 17 de març del 2016


My soulmate should be a really loving person, he/she has to be sweetie and lovely. His/her physical isn't important for me because if my soulmate is a friend is not important how beautiful is he or she.

In case that my soulmate is my boyfriend it's true that I have to like his physical appearance but I'm a really lovely person and I think that you love how the other person is, you love his character. But if I could shoose his physical aspect I suppose that the first thing that I see attractive in a man is his height, I reallly like tall men because they are like a plush bear. I love green-eyed people but I think that the color of the eyes isn't important, the looc is the most interesting part of a person because with a look you can tell anything. His nose should be proportioned because I'm a maniac with noses. His lips don't matter, what really matters are his kisses. Finally, his body isn't important for me.

He sould be romantic, I love people who love. I don't mind if the man gives me a lot of presents because love can't buy me. My soulmate has to make me happy at the same time that I make him happy. I only want time to stay with him I don't want any more.

So, I think that I have to find my soulmate yet but I wish I could find it soon. And for now I only have to enjoy my life because maybe I have my soulmate in front of me but isn't the moment and I don't realise who is up some years after. Soulmate, I'm waiting for you.

diumenge, 13 de març del 2016


PRESENTATION: 10 Because I do the Prezi of three times and when I finish for the third time my computer falls down I felt so stress because then when I recover the Prezi I remembered that I lose my pen drive and now it all depends on if the internet works or not. And as a result of all this disaster I think that the Prezi was so beautiful and simple and I think that the simple things are the best because are easy to understand and beauty at first see.

STRUCTURE: 10 Because I think that my research project it was so ordered and when I had done my Spanish oral presentation my court tells me that it was one of the best presentations that they ever were seen and in English class I did the same structure but in English.

BODY LANGUAGE: 7 Because I remember that I felt ill and also our teacher tells us that we had to change the date of our London trip and I had a bad day I remember that I only think "I want to finish and go home to sleep" because I really felt bad.

CONTENT: 35 Because I have 5 minutes only to tell the most important of my research project and I think that I had done it. It's true that in my research project I had done 80 pages but what I have to explain in 5 minutes? Well Pythagoras have lots of important information and I try to summary it and do a presentation.

LANGUAGE: 15 Because always before study my presentation I send it to my teacher because of she correct my grammar errors and I be more secure when I'm doing my presentation.

PRONUNCIATION: 8 Because I think that my pronunciation isn't bad but always we have to improve because it never be perfect.

So I think that my mark should be an 85% although I didn't had a good day but for the presentation I think that day I cannot do that presentation for my state.


SCENARIO: Two friends plan to meet in a shopping mall on Saturday at 5 p.m.
CHARACTERS: Cleo and Byron

CLEO: Hi Byron!
BYRON: Hi Cleo, how are you?
CLEO: Fine and you?
BYRON: Fine too! thank you.
CLEO: What happen Byron? I see in you that you're not ok.
BYRON: Well, I have to tell you something... I want to go through an operation of plastic surgery.
CLEO: You?! Why??! I don't understand you are so beautiful!
BYRON: Because you know that I'm gay but I feel that I'm capture in a body that's not mine! Cleo... I want to be a girl!
CLEO: Wow! Byron I'm your best friend and I wish the best for you! You know that then we can share our clothes.
BYRON: Jajajajaj yes! Did you remember your red gown of end-of-year?
CLEO: Mmmmh oh yes! Why?
BYRON: Because when I'll have my first date with my change I want to dress it please!
CLEO: Of course but now you have to buy some clothes because I want to dress your clothes too.
BYRON: Yes! Of course sweetie!
CLEO: Byron... we are in a shopping mall... Are you understand me?
BYRON: Oh yes! Come on! We have to shopping new clothes for the party of tonight!
CLEO: Yes bae! Come on!