dijous, 21 d’abril del 2016



People who suffer really painful illness have to have a special medicine and to obtain that medicine they have to go to Ministry of Health in Guatemala and there they have to accept that the person who asks for the medicine have the illness to have that special medicine.

But it was impossible to many families and they have to only stay on the side of his familiar who suffer the illness and help he. And the sick have to support the painful until he or she dies.

The problem is that those medicines are illegal to consume if you aren't the illness and for that reason the doctor has to be careful to prescribe that medicines because he can to submit to trial.

There are people who are dying to pain and they cannot go to Ministry of Health because of their state and as a result of that, they cannot obtain the medicine that they need.

One doctor stops to prescribe morphine because it was impossible to obtain legally and he starts to help his patients to obtain morphine illegally because it's easy to obtain.

Guatemala has to change the rules because people who need that medicines could obtain legally and easy.

In my opinion, people who are really painful illness should obtain easy the medicines that they need and if a member of their family goes to Ministry of Health with the prescribe of a doctor the Ministry of Health have to give the permission to buy that medicine. I think that we had a big disorder in our world and we should stop a moment and organize all because then happens thinks like that. There are people that dying of painful and they cannot obtain the medicine that they need because there are people around the world who use like an opioid. We're all mad! Come on open your eyes and see that this system doesn't work. Please, we have to stop that and realize that we have to do anything because people of around the world are dying and we are not doing anything only because people who die is not our family or our friends. But one day or another you or one of the people who you love will die or will pain and then, when you will see that you cannot doing anything to help he or she, you will realize that the world have to change.


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