dissabte, 16 d’abril del 2016


Human rights are the rights you have simply because you're human. Now are 30 human rights and there was created on 1945 in United Nations. The United Nations has played an important role in international human-rights law since is creation. 
I'm not familiar with the right to democracy because if democracy is a right why in Spain or another countries have a dictatorship? I see another right: we're all equal before the law, and if we're all equal then is impossible that any country had a

When above everything rich people goes to buy on some supermarket or some shop if the worker is a boy or a girl from Africa then rich people see the shop in a different perspective. They don't buy anything if the worker is Moslem only because they think that Moslem are a lower race. In this case, the first human right is violated and for bad luck, I live a case like that.
I'm really proud of my class in school because there are people of around the world and we are like a family and in our class are two Moslem, one boy of Argentina, etc. And when we are together we see that we're all equal independently where we born. In this case, we respect the first human right.

endow: dotar d'alguna cosa

towards: cap a
property: propietat
Furthermore: a més a més

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