dijous, 5 de maig del 2016


To: witehouse@president.com
Subject: Complaint human rights 

Dear Barak Obama,

We are writing to complain about people who violate human rights. Why do people violate human rights? Why are people who do not comply human rights subjected to a trial?

The problems began from the moment we heard a man judging another man only because he was dark and the first human right, wich is "All human beings are born free and EQUAL in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." tells us that all men are free and equal but our question is why do human right exist if people are violating them? We think that we have to be subjected to the law in order to carry out human rights.

On the one hand, the third human right wich is "everyone has the right to live, liberty and security of person." tells us that we have to live and let people live and if you judge anyone for the color of his/her skin you subject him/her under bullying and you do not let him live.

On the other hand, all schools are breaking down human rights because there are always a boy or a girl bullying another. We want to stop bullying but first, we have to subject human rights under the law.

In conclusion, we have to change that situation but to change that first we have to give substance to human rights.

We look forward to your reply
Yours faithfully,
Campio Gameiro and Laura Catalán

Campio Gameiro and Laura Catalán
4 Oxford street
London NW2 515
Mobile: 039-090-7215
E-mail: casablava@gmail.com

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