diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014


"Ese instante de felicidad" is one of my favourites book it was writing for Federico Moccia that he is my favourite writer. He is Italian and he is the writer about "A 3 metros sobre el cielo" and "Tengo ganas de ti".

This book talks about the story of teenager boy. The story starts that the girlfrend of the protagonist break up and the boy suit destroyed. He try to feel good and try to that the people don't inform about this break up. He can't forgot she and it was a very difficult spell.

One day while he works his best friend appear in his work and says he that this nigth they go to dinner. When they finish his dinner they went a party and there met two girls. The two girls are Spanish and they are Italian but they understand a little bit of the other lenguage. One of the girls was Maria and the protagonist and Maria liked for a first time. The two boys and girls feels in love and the two boys try to win she's heart. For this the boys prepare a travel around Italy and they explain to the two girls the monuments and other things.

At the end the two girls feels in love and decide that they stay in Italy while they stay in a relationship with the two boys.

I think that is a really beautiful history because it's only for chance and I don't know. I think that I love this history because it's about my love dream because allways I dream that I meet a boy for chance and we feel in love and I'm a really negative person and I torture me because I think that I'm nothing and the books specifically the love books be my way out.



I think that my marck be able to about 7-7.5 because I think that I search enough information, the structure of the presentation I think that it is for a 9% because it be good structure the images the title... The eye contact for my part I think that I was good in this not for a 10 but yes for a 7-8%,  for the content part I think that here we search and we can had a 35% of the marck, the leanguage I recognize that I had a really serious gramatica error I know that it was for the nervous but well I think that it was really really serious errors I think that a 10% and for the pronunciation I think that here I improve and I have a 7%. And the final marck it is a 7-7.5.


A Tiger Released Into The Wild By Putin Is Killing Goats In China

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered that three tiger cubs to be realased into the wild in China. Two of they now stay in the desert but one of they discober a farm and now killed 15 goats. 
The farmer listen something but he don't give importance but the next morning he find two of his goats die and the cranium was destroyed. 

The next morning the same thing past and the farmer was angry and discovered that there stay a big animal because he saw the track. 

At the end the securiy advise he that protect more better his goats. 


Why The ‘Body Acceptance Movement’ Isn’t Exactly What It Seems

Now we start to get to change the body image about girls. Until now the image about the perfect girl or the perfect body girl it was that the girls have to be slim. But now we start to change this and the girls now is more important that we have curve that we be slim.

Also talks about that the slim girls feel attack because the people talks about they like they don't have anything for the men and other things...

This news talks about the models of Victoria Secret and criticize their models because they are so slim.

This news only try to that we accept ours body because all of women are really beautyful but not all for the same way. There are girls tall and slim, girls short and slim, girls tall and wide, girls short and wide... But each one is beautiful for her way.


This summer I was with Berta a bit of days because she travel so much and I have two works but the days that we stay together we don't lose the time. One day we went with my boat and other day we went with my kayak. The day that we went with my boat we went to Almadrava beach and we went with "banana" and fell in wather and it was one of the best days of my summer!

Other day we went to "can comas" beach and we take my kayak. When we get on the kayak we start to row and we stop and relax in the "middle" of the sea. Suddenly Berta say's me "Laura do you see that all is more gray? I look at the horizon and I saw that it was fog and when we want to realize the fog enclose we. And we start to row again but this time search for the beach and at the end we arrive at the sand.

ONE OF MY FAVOURITE TV PROGRAME "dulces e increibles"

One of my favourite tv programe is "dulces e increibles" that it's about big an incredible cakes. I like this because thei do work of art. They do anithing that you request. In this programe you can see how they do the cake and they are artists and they do incredible things like put fireworks in a cake or transform a car cake in a drone car cake... They try to that all of cake be edible but it was impossible. But even so this they do the 90% of the cake edible. They usually works with "fondane" (sugar for model) . They are very famous around the world because they are so good. I think that they have the best work of the world because they only work doing cakes. Their biggest problem are finish all the cakes for the time. They are incredible! I like do this too but I don't realy like the cakes well if I do it I only do it and my family eat my


This week we have the finals exams and I'm stressed because I'm a very negative person. I try to be positive but I can't it's impossile for me and this harm me. I see like I study and it appear that I don't study because at the moment of the exam I'm block and I feel stress. But well I try to do respiration exercises and like this I feel just a bit better. But when I have the exam in front of me I feel realy nervous. I start to read all the questions and when I read for a first time I think that I don't know nothing and I feel realy nervous and I can't controll me. But after I close my eyes and I breathe. I read again the questions and I see that I know the questions. I take the pen and I start to write. But study for me is stress because the subject that I don't like or I don't understand damage me because it drops my median.

dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014


Dare To Be Funny: You Don’t Have To Dress ‘Sexy’ To Be Sexy On Halloween


This news is about a girl that explain her sentiment when she dress sexy like sexy bunny, naughty police office and slutty nurse. She explain that she feel good when she dress like this because she dress like the perfect woman for part of men.
She speak about a relationship and say that the man control his girlfrend and how dress she. At the end his girlfrend can't wear shorts... Arrive a moment that the girl can't support more and she find out that can't follow like this.
A girl only wants to dress as she like and she wants to feel attract to men for her way not for her body or her dress.
It's easy to dress like funny nurse but it's more easy to dress like sexy nurse because it's more easy to feels astonished  and adore. But the question is: are we sufficiently brave for don't be the atencion center? Well all it depend that if you want to be de sexy cat or the engineer fan.

Wit is always better than tit.

In this century, for the moment, if you show your tits it's because you want something with anyone.
For other part wit can't teach anyone because it isn't a thing it is a sentiment and the girls who have this wit are fortunate.

You want to be hit on for your cleverness, not your cleavage.

Arrive the moment that you decide how wants to the men see you. You decide your dresses and you decide what is that the people see about you for your way to dress.

People are more likely to make comments on your costume rather than your ass.

Again we speak about the same. But it's limited to two things or you want to all men look at your ass or your tits or you want to all men fix on your way.
The two opcions are ok but after you can't to complain.

Because every other girl is the slutty nurse.

You don’t need to show leg to get a leg up on the competition. You are your leader and you decide what do you do with your way to dress.

dilluns, 24 de novembre del 2014


The film it is about a girl that she is 13 years old. She was a typical girl with her friends but she don't was popular. She started to dress like the most popular girl and like this she canbe her friend. Well her best friend. When  she started to went with the most popular girl she change her way. She discover the partys and  alcohol and  drug and  cigar and  week... And she lost the control about her. She started to fail the exams.
She had a big problem that her father abandon her and she don't like this because her father come back at home only for make use of her mother. When she see that her mother was use for her father she went to a party and drink and smoke a lot. At the end of the film she discover that her best friend make use her.

The book it is about a boy that he is 16 years old.He had three best friends that por he they are the best friends of the world. He in his birthday saw her father with other woman. Her father run away with this woman and abandon he. He started to fail the exams he didn't ate. He met a girl and when he saw that it was the best girl he atempt to stay with her but her fathers didn't accepted their relationship and they decided run away. When he lend a note for his mother and when his mother saw the note and saw that she was alone she try to commit suicide.

The film and the book had more or less the same problems. Their father abandon they. Their reaction was a little bit different because the boy want to run away with his girlfriend and the girl want to leave with her best friend in two case they run away. At the end they don't run away and they stay with their family.

divendres, 21 de novembre del 2014


One upon a time all of princes chatting to whats app group and organized a big party.
That night the princess drank. Sleeping Beauty had an ethly coma and she fainted. Snow withe ate an apple with drugs and seven dwarfs went with her in a room and they raped her. After that Beauty smoked a lot of weed and feirled with an ugly man. Then Fiona had a lot of sex with Shrek and after that she got pregnant. Later Rapunzel mixed smoke weed and drink a lot of alcohol and she rosed on the roof.
 Finally all of princess woke up and none of them remembered anything that had happened last night.

dimarts, 11 de novembre del 2014


On Sunday 19th of October Martí and me finished the homework and we were bored. Then I thought that I have a boat and it was a fantastic day for went to boat. We take the swimsuit and we went to Empuriabrava to my boat. We got on the boat and went to Almadrava at 18pm. When we arrived we threw in the water at 6-7 meter to depth. When I opened my eyes I don't saw anythink all was dark and I was frigthened. But then we take the "banana" and got up and we com back to Empuriabrava on "banana". It was spectacular and frigthened but we hang in there and don't fell.


On Friday 31st of October I went to Olot to practice volleyball with my team but when we were in " "Fortià" in the traffic circle a car crash whit we. My coach was very worried but Núria and me calm he. We were waiting the police that they were be late one hour and when they arrived the other car that he had the guilty didn't happened anythink only his car remained destroyed. When the police finished all of his labour we got on the car en went to Olot. We arrived a time for practice and at the end it was only a scare.

diumenge, 12 d’octubre del 2014


Yesterday I went to play volleyball to Lleida. This year I play in Olot and 3 times a week I go there for train and play. In the match we share the bus with the "cadets" and "infantils" and that means that we have to see two match. Yesterday I woke up at 4:00 am and I arrived at home on 19:00 h. The match was very difficult because Lleida be a strong team they problably be 1st in the league. My team plays very good but it wasn't enough for win. I feel happy with like my team play. In my volleyball days yesterday was one of the best days but after match I feel exhausted. I think that I love too much volleyball and it isn't good for me because always I finish exhausted.



Don't wanna be an American idiot./  No vull ser un idiota Americà.
Don't want a nation under the new media/ No tinc ganes d'una nació dominada pels mitjans de comunicació.
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?/ Pots escoltar el so de l'histèria?
The subliminal mind fuck America./ La ment subliminal dona pel cul a America.

Welcome to a new kind of tension./ Benvingut a un nou tipus de tensió.

All across the alienation./ Tot creuant la alineació.
Where everything isn't meant to be okay./ Quan tot no està predestinat a estar bé.
Television dreams of tomorrow./ La televisió somia amb el demà.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow./ No som ningú predestinat a seguir.
For that's enough to argue./ Per això ja n'hi ha prou de discutir.

Well maybe I'm the faggot America./ Bé potser sóc un maricon Americà.

I'm not a part of a redneck agenda./ No sóc part de la població ordenada.
Now everybody do the propaganda./ Ara tothom fa propaganda.
And sing along to the age of paranoia./ I canten al llarg de la época paranoica.

Welcome to a new kind of tension./ Benvingut a un nou tipus de tensió.

All across the alienation./ Tot creuant la alineació.
Where everything isn't meant to be okay./ Quan tot no està predestinat a estar bé.
Television dreams of tomorrow./ La televisió somia amb el demà.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow./ No som ningú predestinat a seguir.
For that's enough to argue./ Per això ja n'hi ha prou de discutir.

Don't want to be an American idiot./ No vull ser un idiota Americà.
One nation controlled by the media./ Una nació controlada pels mitjans de comunicació.

Information age of hysteria./ Informació sobre l'època de l'histèria.
It's calling out to idiot America./ Està cridant Americà idiota.

Welcome to a new kind of tension./ Benvingut a un nou tipus de tensió.

All across the alienation./ Tot creuant la alineació.
Where everything isn't meant to be okay./ Quan tot no està predestinat a estar bé.
Television dreams of tomorrow./ La televisió somia amb el demà.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow./ No som ningú predestinat a seguir.
For that's enough to argue./ Per això ja n'hi ha prou de discutir.

This song speak about they don't agree with the quick evolution of new tecnologies and they don't want one nation controlled by this. They say that we have to open the eyes and see that someone controls ours life. 

divendres, 26 de setembre del 2014


Hi teacher!
Who I am? Well it is a difficult question because I don't know who I am but I try to explain it. I think that I'm a crazy person and happy and I don't know maby likeable person well I enjoy it but the reality is that I want to hide my realy me because I feel sad all day and every day when I'm alone at home because it's when I think and it's horrible I am sad and pessimistic person but I have to live with this.

I do batxillerat because in a future I will want to go at university in Barcelona. For the moment I don't know that what I will do but I think that I will study for PE teacher. It's a simple answer I know but I don't have any arguments for what I do batxillerat. I'm sorry.

Hi teacher!

My name is Laura I'm 16 and I live in Castelló d'Empúries. I have a little sister that she is 14 and her name is Júlia. She study 2nd of ESO and she play volleyball. My mother is 41 and she works in a pharmacy. My father is 42 and he is mechanic by boat. My hobbies are to play volleyball and to ride a horse I love this two sports! This year I play volleyball to Olot that they be in 1st league "Catalana". I have two horses but I more ride one that she is Nina she is white is a good horse but it is 17 and she is old also I have a dog and her name is Nunú. I'm a happy person when I stay with my friends and family but when I stay alone I feel sad all the time. All the bad things torture me and there's not any day that I feel good when I stay alone. But well sometimes the best thing that you can do is stay with someone and hide your sentiment.

I do Batxillerat because I want to follow study. For the moment I think that I'll do PE teacher but I don't know. And the last year when I spoke with my mother and my father we arrived a conclusion that I do Batxillerat now and after Batxillerat we'll talk about what I'll do. It's easy I study because I don't know that what I'll do and I want follow study.

dissabte, 7 de juny del 2014

Barcelona turists

They are from the USA and they stay in Barcelona because they want to visit the monuments (Sagrada Família, la pedrera,..). It was the first time that they are in Spain they came by plane. They chose Barcelona because 21 days ago they are in Roma and they listened that in Barcelona are a lot of beautiful monuments. They visited the Gaudí, the Sagrada, Família the cathedral... And Gaudí it's the like most. They aren't came to Barcelona because they sayed that they are grown-up.

divendres, 6 de juny del 2014


In this picture we can see in the foreground at the right a cople wedding dress. In the middle of the photo we can see a trees and in the background there are a field and the dusk.
It means that they takes his marry photo sesion. They are happy and in love. It means that is an espontaneous photo but also it is a romàntic, sweet and moving photo. I love this photo because it transmit me happy moments and the sweet moments of the relationship.

dimecres, 4 de juny del 2014


This week is stress for me because it begins the end exams week. Every day at the afternoon I study all afternoon and at the night I don't sleep so much because I carry on study. I don't concentrate because I feel exhausted. I feel stress because I have to reorganize all of my notes. I feel that I don't have more. I want finish all and sleep all weekend.


In this photo we were in a livingroom with my cousins. In the foregrount there are my two big cousins and my little sister. Oriol is the left one, Maria is the right one and my little sister Júlia is the middle one. In the middle of the photo there are my two cousins and me. I'm the left one, Gemma is the middle one and Jana is the right one. In the background there are a yellow bike and a door.
It means that my two cousins and me are dancing wile my two big cousins are keeping my little sister. We were in a family meeting in my grandmother hotels. In that year we are doing meeting diners everytime. In this photo we can see that I have a crazy family. We haved great times. It is an spontanious, funny, moving and sweet photo.


For my birthday I went to onoff on Saturday night and I met a two English boys. On Sunday the boys search edme on Facebook and their add me. They opened a chat to me and we spoke every Sunday. I talked with him and they asked me that I can taught Spanish with the condition that they taught me English. They are so likeable  and funny. I believe that I see they early.

dimecres, 28 de maig del 2014


Txarango is a Catalan music group that I started listen not a long time. I love them songs because the letter is beautiful and funny. Their songs talk about love, about happines, about all have a fun end, well about all before a torment have a happy thing. I listen to his songs every day in the morning when I wake up and in the afternoon when I make my homeworks. It's makes me happy listen his songs because it have a good rhythm and I feel identify with the storys of the letters. Their have a peculiar image that represented him because it's a clown but isn't a funny clown it's a peculiar clown because well you see in the image it's old and we can say that even if it's scary and the songs aren't scary but well it's one of my favourites music groups.

divendres, 23 de maig del 2014


I have chosen that foto because when I see it I love it. The photo is an elephant that he is in the jungle, there are enormous trees and it is a dark place but between the trees the sunlight gets through the jungle. It transmits peace, calm and relax. The elephant strolls serene and it appears that all it's good. It is a natural photo too because the elephant stroll in the jungle and it looks like the elephants has always walked freely.

divendres, 9 de maig del 2014


My best experience in Berlin was that I went in Berlin with my friends and we spend good time. We visited a lot of monuments, a lot of museums and we visited a concentration camp that it was an impactant experience because you think that there killed a lot of people a big number of people die there and you be step on there. Also we visited a "búnquer" and is an other impactant experience for me because I have claustophobia and it is a place that is closed, wed, narrow... and I went into "búnquer" only with my schoolmate imagine that I went into the "búnquer" with the 3000 persons that fit there! Well I think that I went into the "búnquer" with the 3000 I don't leave from there with life.

The jewish museum it is the most museum that we were visited on Berlin because it is a sensations museum, you went in this museum and the doors weigh, the floor are incline, and you don't know where you go because it is like a maze. This museum hope make you feel like a jewish. It is amazing! I love it! But we don't have time and we visited very fast all of museums.

divendres, 11 d’abril del 2014


Philippines had a new record. They play basketball for 120 hours, 1 minute and 7 seconds. That is more than five days long and they non-stop for the five days. They are under stress. The pain in theyr bodies disappears at the end of the match. The players had to follow strict instructions including not being allowed to leave the court, only being allowed to rest when were subbed off and not showing any sing of fatigue during play.

I think that it is an incredible thing! I think that the people are mad! Because who are playing basketball for 120 hours, 1 minute and 7 seconds? I don't know I'm surprised! I don't have any words... But it is incredible!


Question 1: SETTING: The first fight in the book take place the street and in the film take place in the petrol station. In the book Mercutio died in the street and in the film Mercutio died in the beach. In the book Tybalt died in the street and in the film he died in a fountain. When Romeo and Juliet talk for the first time in the book they were in balcony and in the film they were in the swimming pool. 

Question 2: IMAGINARY: The water means love, happy moments, intimacy but the rain means that something bad already happened.  The fire means tragedy, fights, problems...

Question 3: LANGUAGE: Romeo talks in verse and the other characters talks in prose. Tybalt has a violent language. The narrator is the Friar.

Question 4: THE FANCY DRESS PARTY: Juliet were an angel dress and it means that she is beautiful, innocence, … Her mother were a Cleopatra dress and it means power and the beauty. Juliet’s father were a Roman emperor dress and it means that he has the power and everybody have to respect him. Tybalt were a devil dress because he was very evil and always want to fight. Romeo were a knight because he was gentleman and a beautiful boy.     

Question 5: ELEMENTS:  In the book fight fight with swords and in the film wit guns i the book the characters rode horses and in the film they drove cars. 
                                                               By: Núria, Daiana, Laura and Berta.

dilluns, 10 de març del 2014


Eric is my boyfriend he is 18. Eric speak catalan spanish and dutch. He work on bonpreu in the morning in the afternoon he go to the mecanic school when he finished that he go to Roses in to the pool and swim. In the weekend he practice motocross. We see a few because he be busy and I be study and I be play volleyball. I miss Eric because we meet on October and he don't was busy but on 1st of February he started work. When we stay together we go to the beach, we go to the cinema, he helps me study and thanks of his help I climb my marks, he teach me go with motorcycle... Well we try to be happy and study. I love Eric.


These weekend was Carnival on Castelló d'Empúries and I was dress up of sailor top. I went to the party of Friday and to the party of Saturday. On Friday I went with Núria and Campio that they were dress up of cowgirl and bull. On Saturday I went with Núria, Campio, Daiana, Quim and Eric it was the best party of these year for the moment! But I have to went at home at 3:30 am because on Sunday Eric goes to Vidreres on 8:00 am. Althougth we went home quickly we felt happy! We dance a lot of time and we stay with ours friends. It was a fabulous night I never will forget these night.

The history of my horse "Petita"

When I was little, I don't remember my age, I had a new horse that I baptise "Petita" because it was very slim. In summer I enjoy it a lot because all days I went in my field and I ride "Petita". But I had a very big problem, "Petita" was fearful and it was a problem for me because I was little and I don't control it. I ride "Petita" in my field and it went good but when I want did an excursion it was impossible. My dad tell me that I fall down again he sell "Petita" on the slaughterhouse. For the "cavallada" (a party that the people who have horses find and do a promenade to the village) "Petita" was fearful for a car and I fall down again. That day was the first day that I cry for fall because I knew that my horse die. My dad two days later call slaughterhouse and he bring "Petita" and this is the end of "Petita". Now I felt bad when I think that. I too miss "Petita".

Valentine's day

 Valentine's day is one of American's most popular holidays. More than 62% of Americans celebrate by sending greeting cards and flowers, sending candy or other gifts, enjoying romantic dinners or all three. The question is somewhat surprising.
Its origin comes from the roman festival "Lupercalia". The church chose Mid-February day to become Valentine's day.
The first valentine greetings appeared in the 15th century. In the 17th century people with great Britan started a tradition of exchanging cards or letters. Valentine's day it is a major consumer holiday. Today it send 1 bilion of cards more than anyother holidays except christmas. More than 35 milion of bonbon and 220 milion of rose are sell. All together american spend take 20$ billion. 130 dolars per person. The most popular things are candy and flowers.


divendres, 7 de març del 2014

Romeo and Juliet

These is an history about the prohibit love between Romeo, a Montague, and Juliet, a Capulet.They families are hated the other. Romeo meet Juliet in a party of Capulets and he feel in love. Juliet is obligatory marry with Paris but she don't want. Romeo in a figth kill Tybalt, a Juliet's cousin but Juliet would rather marry with Romeo than Paris. Romeo and Juliet figth for his love and they decide do a secret wedding. For do it Juliet have to drink a liquid and then she sleep about 42h. Romeo inform that Juliet die and when he went to look her boddy he drink a poison and he die. When Juliet wake up see that Romeo die and she take a knife and commit suicide. And that's the end off the fight between Montagues and Capulets.

when I look at you - Miley Cyrus

Everybody needs inspiration
Everybody needs a song
A beautiful melody, when the night's so long
'Cause there is no guarantee, that this life is easy
Yeah, when my world is falling apart
When there's no, light to break up the dark
That's when I, I, I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I, I look at you
When I look at you, I see forgiveness, I see the truth
You love me for who I am like the stars hold the moon
Right there where they belong
And I know I'm not alone
Yeah, when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark                  
That's when I, I, I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I, I look at you
You appear just like a dream to me
Just like kaleidoscope colors that cover me
All I need, every breath that I breathe
Don't you know, you're beautiful
Yeah, yeah,yeah
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I, I look at you
I look at you
Yeah, yeah, oh, oh
You appear just like a dream to me
Tothom necessita una inspiració
tothom necessita una cançó
una preciosa melodia, quan la nit és llarga
la causa d'aquí no és cap promesa, la vida és fàcil.
Quan el meu món cau a part
quan és no, la llum trenca la foscor
quan et miro
Quant les onades inunden la costa
i jo no puc trobar el camí de casa meu enlloc
això passa quan et miro
quan et miro veig el perdó, veig la veritat
M'estimes per qui sóc, més que les estrelles a la lluna
correcte els que  pertanyen
i se que no estic sola
Quan el meu món cau a part
quan és no, la llum trenca la foscor
això passa quan et miro
Quant les onades inunden la costa
i jo no puc trobar el camí de casa meu enlloc
això passa quan et miro
tu aparèixes en un agradable somni amb mi
M'agraden els colors del caleidoscopi que em cubreix
tot el que necessito, tota la respiració que jo respiro
Tu no ho saps, tu ets preciós
Quan les onades inunden la costa
i jo no puc trobar el camí de casa meu enlloc
quan jo et miro
jo et miro
tu aparèixes en un agradable somni amb mi

dimarts, 11 de febrer del 2014

Shakespeare's life

Shakespeare was born on 23th of April 1564 in Stratford on Avon near London. His family was "well-off". His father was John Shakespeare, he was a glovemaker, shop keeper, land owner an bailiff (mayor) of Stratford. His mother, Mary Arden, intherited land which was bequeathed to William. William had 7 brothers and sisters. He probably attended the free grammar school until 15 mainly studying latin, he read much Mythology, Ovid, Plutarch's Lives, etc., which he used as sources. He married Anne Hathaway on 27th of November 1582. Anne was 8 years older than Shakespeare and they had 3 children those were Susanna, the older, Hamnet and Judith, who were twins. He lived in London most of his life and had little to do with Stratford, although he became its third largest landowner, and eventually retired there. By 1592, he was reconognized as a successful actor on the London stage, as well as a leading poet. He was a member of a repertory gorup, Chamberlain's Men. He wrote least 38 plays, as well as sonnets and other poems. He revolutionized the English stage with his dramatic and poetic genius. He retired from the theatre to his native Stratford, sometime between 1611 and 1613. He bought a large house called "New Place." He died on his 52nd birthday on 23th of April 1616 in Stratford and was buried in the chancel of the Church of Holy Trinity.

divendres, 24 de gener del 2014

This year I will...

This year I would like to do a lot of things but I know that this is impossible although I attempt to accomplish all of the thins I say.
  1. lose weight
  2. stay with my friends and my family
  3. love me
I know that there are a few things but I will try accomplish everything. WELCOME 2014!


The christmas for me is a hollidays that I stay with my family, my friends, my boyfriend... This hollidays it's perfect for me because I have my free time and I relax my mind. It's a time that the people give a presents. Everything it's happy and so cute. I love christmas because I can sleep long long long hours, I don't go at high school, I sleep and sleep and sleep a lot of hours... I love the fire and everithing it's PERFECT!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!