dilluns, 10 de març del 2014

Valentine's day

 Valentine's day is one of American's most popular holidays. More than 62% of Americans celebrate by sending greeting cards and flowers, sending candy or other gifts, enjoying romantic dinners or all three. The question is somewhat surprising.
Its origin comes from the roman festival "Lupercalia". The church chose Mid-February day to become Valentine's day.
The first valentine greetings appeared in the 15th century. In the 17th century people with great Britan started a tradition of exchanging cards or letters. Valentine's day it is a major consumer holiday. Today it send 1 bilion of cards more than anyother holidays except christmas. More than 35 milion of bonbon and 220 milion of rose are sell. All together american spend take 20$ billion. 130 dolars per person. The most popular things are candy and flowers.


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