diumenge, 1 de març del 2015


Uptown Girl/ Boy

39% Flamboyance, 42% Originality, 52% Deliberateness, 50% Sexiness
[Tasteful Conventional Deliberate Sexy]
You like to have the best of what's fashionable. You pay attention to the way you are dressed, adapting the things you see on models so that they emphasize the qualities of your own body, which you are rather proud of. You don't care much about being extravagant, thinking that being trendy is a better way to feel good and to look good. Perhaps you happen to look down on those who choose their own taste over fashion creators' directions. In other words on the pathetic fashion victims who wear red when everyone else wears pink. But maybe you just pity them. You probably have an opinion of a well-dressed person and many copycat your choices, knowing that you are a fashion radar. They envy you your impeccable taste. 
The opposite style from yours is Hippy Kid [Flamboyant Original Random Prissy].

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average) 

  • Flamboyance Distribution
    You scored 39% onFlamboyance, higher than 42% of your peers.
  • Originality Distribution
    You scored 42% onOriginality, higher than 20% of your peers.
  • Deliberateness Distribution
    You scored 52% onDeliberateness, higher than 29% of your peers.
  • Sexiness Distribution
    You scored 50% on Sexiness, higher than 45% of your peers.    
  • In my opinion I think that the test it's true about myself and my are dress because I like fashion. In the High School I never dress fashion because well, I go to study not to a party or only for the street and I don't know I think that in the High School I don't dress fashion. My dress way it's also my feel for example, when I feel good and happy and I don't know when I feel beautiful I dress with a lot of colors or well I dress fashion if it's winter I dress more cute and if it's summer I dress more with dress and skirt. And when I fell sad and I see anything to my body that I don't like I dress more bad with sad colours. I think the same of the test say's.

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