diumenge, 1 de març del 2015


This year I play volleyball in Olot. I know that it’s a little bit far well, I have one hour for go and one more for return and I train at 7pm o’clock but I leave of my home at 4:30 pm because my coach not only train my team also train 3 teams more. I lost a lot of time and for this reason I have to organize much better my homework and my study it’s so difficult but I really try to organize my time good. I play in Olot because last year I was playing 3 category worse and my coach one day came to Castelló to saw a volleyball match and pay attention to me and tell me if I be like by play in 1st division Catalana and I say yes of course because it’s a really important opportunity for me and I don’t know that I have again an opportunity like that. Now I love this team the people in Olot are very likeable and really fun. I love this team and this city. 

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