divendres, 20 de març del 2015


C/ Del mar 21
Castelló d'Empúries
13th March 2015

Human Resourcer Departament
Mercadona supermarket
C/ Mas pau 15

To whom it may concern

I would like to apply for a job in this supermarket as a shop assistant this summer. 
I have experience in this area because I worked in others supermarkets like Lidl and Aldi and I'm keen on having contact with the people. If you like I can work in other job. I speak four different lenguages: English, German, Catalan and Spanish.
I want to work in the summer because the rest of the year I am studying. And this can be useful for pay my university studies.

Yours faithfully 

Lia Sanz

dimarts, 17 de març del 2015


In this picture we can see a landscape of Kingston the capital of Norfolk Island. On the background we can see an small island, in the middle of the photo we see a sea that the water is really clear. On the left in the backgound of the photo we can see some trees that seem the pine of the flag. More fowards on the left we can see a couple that they seem that they're in a relationship and more fowards a little bit in they right we can see a red bike. In this beach we can see that there are some rocks and a bit of sand and in front of the sand we can see that there are grass. On the right of the picture we only can see a part of the sea and rocks.

dimecres, 11 de març del 2015


Campio and me have done the Oral presentation about, if we will do a gap year where we will go to Australia but, Australia is very expencive to do an oral presentation and we thougth that was better do a presentation about Norfolk Ilsland.
I think that the marck it's ok because we are so nervous when we was doing de presentation and for this reason we don't say all the content that we found about Norfolk Island. And in theory when Campio and me rehearse the presentation last about 9-10 min. and when we do in fornt of the class only last 6 min. But for the rest we think that the presentation was good.


Today I'm going to describe a person who is really important in my life. He is Marc that I can tell you that he's a special friend.
Marc is 16 and he was born on 26th of February 1999. He is tall, he measure about 1.77m, he have a straight short brown hair, he is a little bit of dark skinned, he's slim but also strong. He have a really beautiful blue eyes and a loving lips, his tooth are separated but he have a beautiful smile.
He is a really good student and he really love physics, is a shy person and this damage he mainly on foodball because he don't want to be selfish with the ball and well he thinks that he is a bother in the field. He is really likeable with other people and allways have a smile for everybody. He is too loving to other people and for this reason he is so special for me. I think that together we have a good team and is so nice to work with he. When I work with he I have attitude to do more homework or to study more it's incredible!
I think that in this world there are a bit of people like Marc and this is so sad because I think that all of he is perfect, his personality is incredible and I love it and his physical it's so good. 

dijous, 5 de març del 2015


Núria, Berta and Julianni are my three best friends I love they so much they are all of me. I met Núria since I was born, she was and is my best friend and we were all time together. Every week we sleep together minimum two times a week and we were like sisters. When we start 1st of ESO she went to Empuriabrava High School and I went to IES Castelló d'Empúries High School and we were two years separated. On 3th of ESO I convince that she went to Castelló and we were together again. Núria is very slim and she have a short blonde hair. In 3th of ESO Núria and me met Berta well, I met Berta on 1st of ESO but she didn't go to my class we weren't friends, but in 3th of ESO we start our friendship. Berta is a really good friend for me because she is listen to me allways when I need and I listen to she allways when her need we understand really good and I think that is a really good luck. Berta is short and I think that she is short is so cute and also is slim like Núria she have a brown short hair. Then on 4th of ESO we met Julianni that she is a really funny person and we laugh a lot with she. She is also slim and she have a long brown hair. All of they are so really beautiful I think that they are so perfect they completes me for these reason they are my best friends.

diumenge, 1 de març del 2015



"Carolina s'enamora" is one of my favourites book it was writing for Federico Moccia that he is my favourite writer. He is Italian and he is the writer about "A 3 metros sobre el cielo" and "Tengo ganas de ti".

This book it talks about a girl who is 14 and her first love that it's a boy who is 19 and they are in love. At the first the boy was saving the distance because he saw she little but after he give to Carolina an opportunity. They are so happy and really in love. Carolina have a best friend that Carolina and she went allways together because they are like sisters. Her friend was extroverted and funny. Carolina's boyfriend rent a ship house and they went together there. It was a beautiful ship and a little bit small but welcoming. But all was too much perfect and one day Carolina was waiting to her boyfriend in front of his house (not the ship) and suddenly his door was open but don't leave her boyfriend, leave of his house her best friend and then Carolina saw like her best friend and her boyfriend kissed in front of her. They don't saw Carolina and don't understand why she don't answer they message.

I love this books because fos example "Carolina s'enamora" have 600 pages and all it's about a beautiful and perfect live and relationship but in the last page change all. And I cry for this book because I don't belive that a book end like this. Federico Moccia is my favourite writer and I love his books I allways read his books because it relax me I can cry and kick off me my sad feelings. Now I was reading "Perdona pero quiero casarme contigo" that is the second part of "Perdona si te llamo amor" but I can't to read too much because the High School it's really absorbent.


This year on Summer I will only work in a "casal" because I will do the Research papel and I need time for work in that papel. I will have more free time that last Summer and I will can do a lot of things that the last Summer I can't do because I worked every day in the morning less Saturday and Sunday and every day in the afternoon less one time a week that I choose that day but I can't try Saturday or Sunday. I will go in my boat more times and in my kayak too. If I stay in my relationship with Marc I will go with he in my boat and I love to doing different sports and for this reason we will doing a lot of things in the beach for example in the Empuriabrava beach there are a attractions inside the water and I love that because it's so funny. Also we will go with bannana because I think that it's the most funny think that I can do with the boat. I know that in the Summer I will doing my research papel but I want that summer come now it's the perfect holidays. I work in a job I know but it's really funny and I don't have to study that I hate that because in High School I have to study a lot of subjects like chemistry that I hate that and I never study anithing about chemistry. Well I want to summer come now!


This year in Carnaval of Castelló d'Empúries I disguise of "Stitch" that is a personage of Disney of the series "Lilo y Stitch". I disguise with Berta and Núria because first we have to disguise referee but we thought that it wasn't original and we want to disguise original and we want to go sheltered because this year it was so cold for the wind. First we went to dinner at Núria's house and then we went to a party. In the party we found our friends Conor, Martí, Oriol, Jere, Pau, Míriam, Andrea, Rosó... and we went all together to enjoy the party. When the carriages went we went inside the party and there we dance and drink. One of the most funny things it was that the music isn't house or pop or rock, it was Catalan music and for the people who's minimum 20 years old but my friends and me
knows the songs and we sing and dance and drink... I think that Carnaval it's the most party of the year but being better if Carnaval celebrate on Summer. And I think that in Carnaval you can to take the embarrassment because you can to do the ridiculous and anyone says you any because it's Carnaval.


In 31st of December I went to Sant Pere Pescador to celebrated the New Year. I went with my friends Núria, Berta, Pau, Conor, Martí, Jere, Adrià and more people and I really liked this night because all of my friends wear really good. Berta was dressing a grey cotton dress, Núria was dressing a grey shiny shirt with a black tight skirt, the majority of my boy friends dressed more or less the same. A pair of black denim jeans and a shirt. I love this night because at the end of the year my friends and me can to stay all together. Because we try to arrange to meet since the summer but allways one or another can’t to arrange. Well this is one of the best night of 2014 and the first night of 2015. In the picture you can see one of my best friends Berta. I love she.


This year I play volleyball in Olot. I know that it’s a little bit far well, I have one hour for go and one more for return and I train at 7pm o’clock but I leave of my home at 4:30 pm because my coach not only train my team also train 3 teams more. I lost a lot of time and for this reason I have to organize much better my homework and my study it’s so difficult but I really try to organize my time good. I play in Olot because last year I was playing 3 category worse and my coach one day came to Castelló to saw a volleyball match and pay attention to me and tell me if I be like by play in 1st division Catalana and I say yes of course because it’s a really important opportunity for me and I don’t know that I have again an opportunity like that. Now I love this team the people in Olot are very likeable and really fun. I love this team and this city. 

I CAN'T...

I feel sad for study because this year I know that Batxillerat is more difficult to ESO of course but I have psychological problems I don’t know what is it but I can to study for two weeks before the exam and know the lesson perfect but when any teacher put the exam in front of me my mine stay in white like if I don’t study anything and for me this is really frustrating because I see that all of I do don’t be used for anything because my mother and my father scold me for the marks and I know that I can to do more and more but I need to resolve this problem for the exams. I really need this because every day I feel more and more unmotivated and my self-esteem fall for a moments. I really need help for resolve my problem I hope that I can resolve that like more would rather better.


I feel frightened for sleep because normally I have a really strange dreams I sleep bad minimum one day a week. My dream consist in that I stay in my bed like if I stay before sleep with the lights off but when I try to move any part of my body I can’t and if I try to speak I can’t too and I listen a frightened sounds for example last week I listen like a mother with a baby carriage and it was like they are go for walk inside my bedroom or the last dream I have it was the same but I listen a man shout like if he was capture inside the wall. It's really frightened and I want to know why I have this dreams so almost daily because I really feel scared and worried for me. I have fear for sleep for if I don't wake up never I don't know but I need a solution. This is one of the thing that damage my study and me or I think that.


Uptown Girl/ Boy

39% Flamboyance, 42% Originality, 52% Deliberateness, 50% Sexiness
[Tasteful Conventional Deliberate Sexy]
You like to have the best of what's fashionable. You pay attention to the way you are dressed, adapting the things you see on models so that they emphasize the qualities of your own body, which you are rather proud of. You don't care much about being extravagant, thinking that being trendy is a better way to feel good and to look good. Perhaps you happen to look down on those who choose their own taste over fashion creators' directions. In other words on the pathetic fashion victims who wear red when everyone else wears pink. But maybe you just pity them. You probably have an opinion of a well-dressed person and many copycat your choices, knowing that you are a fashion radar. They envy you your impeccable taste. 
The opposite style from yours is Hippy Kid [Flamboyant Original Random Prissy].

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average) 

  • Flamboyance Distribution
    You scored 39% onFlamboyance, higher than 42% of your peers.
  • Originality Distribution
    You scored 42% onOriginality, higher than 20% of your peers.
  • Deliberateness Distribution
    You scored 52% onDeliberateness, higher than 29% of your peers.
  • Sexiness Distribution
    You scored 50% on Sexiness, higher than 45% of your peers.    
  • In my opinion I think that the test it's true about myself and my are dress because I like fashion. In the High School I never dress fashion because well, I go to study not to a party or only for the street and I don't know I think that in the High School I don't dress fashion. My dress way it's also my feel for example, when I feel good and happy and I don't know when I feel beautiful I dress with a lot of colors or well I dress fashion if it's winter I dress more cute and if it's summer I dress more with dress and skirt. And when I fell sad and I see anything to my body that I don't like I dress more bad with sad colours. I think the same of the test say's.