dissabte, 12 de març del 2016



This news talks about the two daughters of Obama. Sasha and Malia went a state dinner attended some famous people one of they was Ryan Reynolds and Sasha who is the younger sister try to talks with him because she really likes he and in that moment Malia see her sister and wants to do this moment a little bit funny because she thought that is ridiculous that a girl who is 14 years old talks with Ryan Reynolds and she tease of her sister with a funny posture. This moment was captured by a photo camera and that does that this moment remains in her mind forever.

In my opinion, I want to tell that everybody on our planet although he or she is famous or not everybody are persons. I'm 17 years old and I'm a teenager but although I was famous I follow to be a teenager and I should do the same nonsense. And this news it remembered me the nonsense that my sister and I always do. We are not perfect but we always are doing nonsense. And I think that people should understand that people who are famous is people too and they are doing nonsense and other things because they are people and it's enough. I think that if I was famous and I couldn't do anything because of people I really bore my life. So we have to enjoy our life and if you are famous enjoy your life because always are somebody who criticises you.

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