dimecres, 9 de març del 2016


This is a people movement for Olivia, this girl was 17 years old, she love horses and she was ride until she was little. But one day when Olivia was riding she fall down from her horse and the drop was such harmful that Olivia loses her life in that fall.
Now people who ride of around the world wants to give their support to the parents of Olivia and this movement consists of upload a photo of you riding a horse and write the hashtag #rideforolivia.

People who ride a horse like me knows that it's a dangerous sport, also can be one of the most dangerous because you know that a horse isn't like a motorbike or a bike, horses are animals and they think for himself and you don't know what can they do at any time. This sport is magical for that reason because you have to find your horse or the horse finds you. You have to click with the horse and trust it and of course, the horse has to trust in you.

When I was about 10 years old my father bought a horse I called it Petita because it was so small and so slim. It was brown with a white spot in the middle of her face it was so beautiful and when I see Petita I fall in love with her. Petita was so fearful and when I see she for the first time I fall in love with she and I remember that when she see me for the first time she stop of run and comes so slowly to me and in that moment we click. I was the only person who can ride Petita but not because I don't want that any body rides she the other way around Petita only wants that I ride she. I remember that I get to ride Petita like an Indian and to mutter her "GO" and she starts to galop and I always closed my eyes and enjoy that moment because it's so magical. But Petita was so fearful and I fall down from she 7 times, the falls are so dangerous and I had very luck because I never make damage but my father thinks that it was so danerous for me because I was so little and it sell Petita. I never go back to see Petita but sometimes I think that it could be dangerous for me because today is Olivia but this hashtag could be for me or for any body who ride a horse.

So riding a horse is a beautiful sport but you have to be prudent and to know when you have to say STOP because as beauty it can be as dangerous. So now, today every body #rideforolivia

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