divendres, 11 de març del 2016



In China a boy who is 14 years old on Chinese New Year he throw an firecracker and he lose the vision of one of their eyes because of he damage his cornea. But the doctors discover that if he transplant a pig cornea in his eye the boy can see agains.

This operation should be so important because there are some people who suffer of blindness of cornea and it could change the life of all that people. Because most of people could recover their vision.

I think that thanks of medicine there are lots of people that should be die for their illness and now they live. I can see and I think that if now I had an accident and I lose my vision I don't know what I do because when you see colors or anything it's so beauty and if suddenly you cannot see anything I don't know it has to be a shock and if suddenly with an operation you can recover vision it has to be the best thing in the world you have to feel so happy and I don't know it has to be like a rest.

I think that for example a boy is blind and meet a girl, he never have seen that girl he love her for her personality and if suddenly one day he subdue an operation and he can see again he can meet the phyisical part of she. And that could be fantastic because that boy was all time imagine how is that girl and finally he can see her eyes, her lips, her hair, etc. I think that the feeling of a person who never see anything or who lose his vision and then he can see again is indescribable.

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