dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015


1. Can you see an improvement on your level of English in the past year/s? Where, for example?

I can see an improvement on my level since 4th ESO because I write more fluid and I can to read more in less time. If you see my first posts you will see that I didn't write too much and now I can write more of a hundred words and I have attitude for do the blog.

2. Which activity best shows your level of English?
In my opinion, I think that the your says are the best activity for learn English because you write of thinks that you like and it's so better and easy for me than the other. Because if you do anything that you like you do that with attitude.

3. Which activities were really USEFUL for you to improve your English? Why?
I think that your says are the activities really useful because you have to write all of you think and you have to do sentences for write correctly. Or other activity that I think it's good to learn is the description of a picture because you have to say all of you see in that picture. For describe a picture you have to know many of vocabulary and as you use that vocabulary you learn it.

4. Which activities did you NOT find useful to learn English? Why not?
In my opinion, I think that the news are the worse activities because you have to read and summarize the text and you can see how to write and I don't know I think that it isn't so useful to learn English.

5. Which activities would like to do again next year to keep on improving your English?
I would like to do your says again because when I write a your say I write my thinks and there are personal thinks. Because I can to vent my feelings and then I feel so better, I don't know, it's to nice to me do your says.

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