diumenge, 7 de juny del 2015



Author: Sònia Fernández Vidal.
It was publish on 2012

This book is about a girl, who tells Laila Fortuny and that girl works on the CERN that is an accelerate of particle. She works of waiter in a coffee and one day while she was serve she meets a really beautiful periodist. He was tall, he was blonde, he had a beautiful blue eyes and he was so likeable, his name was Alessio. Laila really likes this periodist and she felt a love at first sight but she only serve he. Other day in the coffee appears a doctorate student, he was Brian, he was tall also, but he was brown with green eyes. He was beautiful too and Laila didn't know what she liked more.

While past the days the two boys wants to meet Laila and she at the first time only meets them like friends. But one day the two boys kiss she and she didn't know how what she do. She for the time follow to stay with two boys. The two boys had all because Laila fall in love with he and can to start a relationship but Laila didn't know how what she do against.

One day Laila, the two boys and her friends went to camping in a lake and there all explode. Because as Brian as Alessio wants to stay with Laila alone and they start to fought. When the other friends can to separate, Brian went to a lake to swim when a water current take Brian. They called for an ambulance and when Brian got to leave of water he get on the ambulance and went to the hospital.

When we wants to read more the book finish. You don't know what happen after, this book have an open end.


In my opinion I really like this book for people who had between 12 to 15 years old because it's a romantic story. I think that when a person had about 16-17 years have to read books more interesting like I don't know Eragon or La teoría del todo, etc. When I read that book I really love that but now if I read I probably dislike. Because when I bought it I thought that this book was about physics and love but it's 90% stories of love. 

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