dijous, 19 de novembre del 2015



Cullinan is the biggest diamond to be discovered in South Africa and cut into nine separate stones, many of which are in the British Crown Jewels.

Then the world's second-largest diamond found in Botswana with 1,111 carat stone and it's the biggest of the century.  
Lucara found also other stones and it was the best week for he because he found the world's second-largest diamond and the world's sixth-largest diamond. These two stones are yet to be evaluated but they have the potential to be one very expensive diamond. In April one diamond evaluated for 100 carat was sell for 22.1$ in New York. 
But all is a longest process because they have to cut, polish and perfect the gem and it wants that they can work with the gem about one year.

Wow! They found the world's second-largest diamond in South Africa! Well I think that in South Africa the first world countries take a profit to the third world countries because the people of the third world works so hard and collect just a bit. And I think that the diamonds and the beautiful stones brings out the bad side of people and as a result of that we have bad dealings with somebody. I know that in our society the beauty stones are so important because we are in a superficial society and we only makes important the opinion of the other people. We only wants that the people seeing that we have money and that's all. I think that yes, I really like diamonds and beauty stone but when I think all of people starving that work for found that stone I only wants to throw it in the trash.

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