dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2015


"US scientists say they have bred a genetically modified (GM) mosquito that can resist malaria infection."
Malaria is a illness that it's transmit with a mosquitoes sting and it's so dangerous because every year die about 580 000 people. Scientists to avoid that the people die did an experiment. They put a new resistance gene (CRISPR) into the mosquito's own DNA. This gene is heredity and that's too important because it means that all mosquitoes that have this gene when sting people don't transmit malaria.
The University of California have an experiment for checking that the gene will pass on all generations of mosquitoes. They do that experiment with an Indian mosquitoes and for good luck that's function because almost 100% of the next generation of the mutate mosquitoes was resist malaria.
Prof David Conway, UK expert from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said: "It's not the finished product yet but it certainly looks promising. It does look like the genetic editing works."
For the other side, there are other scientists that say that if we do an unfertile mosquitoes but if we do that then the mosquitoes will be extinct and that's can produce no wish effects on the nature.
In my opinion I think that this is a great solution because the mosquitoes can leave and we haven't to guard of the malaria. I really think that we don't have to extinct the mosquitoes because if we do that we will change the nature unnaturally and we don't know the nature reaction effects. We have to learn to leave with a sting mosquitoes.

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