dissabte, 14 de novembre del 2015


My self-evaluation: in my opinion I think that is the best oral presentation that I never done because it was the first time that I can stand up and explain for the class without so many nervous.
Following the format that our teacher give us I think that my mark is:

PRESENTATION: 10% because I know that Martí and I was 4 hours working about the presentation because we wants to be perfect and to get attention of our classmate.

BODY LANGUAGE: In my opinion I think that also we have a 10% because while we were explain we never look at the paper and we always were looking at the classmate and at the teacher. And when we explains anything that we supposed that the classmate don't knows we pointed at the image for helping us to understand our presentation.

STRUCTURE: 10% because when you look on the note board you for the first look you have a good impression and when we explain all was in order; firstly the introduction, secondly the plot of the series, thirdly the main characters of the series, fourthly curiosities of the series and finally one video of the best moments of one character.

CONTENT: 35% Because I think that we didn't explain all of that series but we only had 5 min per person to explain a lot of things and we decide to summarize a little bit. But the content that we explained was all true and the two curiosities and the end of the series I think that are so important to put in the content.

LANGUAGE: 15% Because we aren't English persons and although our teacher correct us our presentation before we present we haven't a perfect language because most of the language that we used I think that our teacher would have changed.

PRONUNCIATION: 8% I know that my pronunciation isn't perfect but I think that in two summers that I have work and I speak some English I get better with my pronunciation, and I listen so songs in English because they are so beautiful and I really love to sing them but for sing I have to know the letter and when I know the letter I can sing and improve my pronunciation.

Then my mark is for me an 8.8.      

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