dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015


1. Can you see an improvement on your level of English in the past year/s? Where, for example?

I can see an improvement on my level since 4th ESO because I write more fluid and I can to read more in less time. If you see my first posts you will see that I didn't write too much and now I can write more of a hundred words and I have attitude for do the blog.

2. Which activity best shows your level of English?
In my opinion, I think that the your says are the best activity for learn English because you write of thinks that you like and it's so better and easy for me than the other. Because if you do anything that you like you do that with attitude.

3. Which activities were really USEFUL for you to improve your English? Why?
I think that your says are the activities really useful because you have to write all of you think and you have to do sentences for write correctly. Or other activity that I think it's good to learn is the description of a picture because you have to say all of you see in that picture. For describe a picture you have to know many of vocabulary and as you use that vocabulary you learn it.

4. Which activities did you NOT find useful to learn English? Why not?
In my opinion, I think that the news are the worse activities because you have to read and summarize the text and you can see how to write and I don't know I think that it isn't so useful to learn English.

5. Which activities would like to do again next year to keep on improving your English?
I would like to do your says again because when I write a your say I write my thinks and there are personal thinks. Because I can to vent my feelings and then I feel so better, I don't know, it's to nice to me do your says.

diumenge, 7 de juny del 2015


In our world we have lots of problems and we don't see that because we don't to see. While the years go by pass we accomulate all of pasat problems with new problems. That's why I don't agree with we have made the world a better place.

First, we have a diferent social classes, the first worls that the people live in a good condition and the people who live in the first world not want to see the people who live in the third world where they die everyday because they don't have anything to eat or to drink.

Second, we have made more pollution every day and we don't stop this. This pollution is destroying our planet and If we don't stop that we will have to live to another planet or all people of the world die.

Third, we can see that humans are so egoists because we don't only destroy our ecosystem, we destroy the ecosystem of all animals of the world. We kill lots of animals every day and lots of animals are extinct.

In conclusion, I think that we not want to do anythink but when the problem is going to be bigger we don't find a solution and we don't know what can we do to solve this problem.


This news talk about a Moroccan iman from Terrassa who explains how damage woman and abused them psychologically to avoid a bad behaviour of they. Moreover he explains how to damage them to not leave signs of abuse. For defend himself he explains that the Quran says that is not bad damage women.
Obviously the situation in Morocco is so different from Catalunya but if they live here they should respect the law of the country where they are living, also they should respect the human rights of anywhere in the world and these rights are not admised the mistreatment of any human.
As an individual person I can’t do anything to combat it, so in a group I could help this women to find help.


This notice talks about the advantages in memory and intelligence when you are bilingual. The notice says that it’s easier to find a job when you are bilingualism.
A bilingual brain is quicker and efficient for concentration. Be bilingual has very positive effects on the brains apart from any linguistic advantages. It’s recommendable to introduce another language to children at the earliest possible stage. They discovered that the mental control is best in bilingual people than monolingual people. They did a study with bilingual and monolingual people and the results proved this idea.
In my opinion it’s better to be bilingual apart from the above advantages, you can travel a lot, in other countries with different languages, and it will be very easy to communicate. You can get to know very interesting and different people. I’m proud to be bilingual and I hope to be trilingual in time. Catalan, Spanish and a little in English.


Astronomers have discovered a solar system with a single planet and four suns (stars).
They are visible during the day. The fact that they have four suns ago that there can be life on this planet because the temperature is extremely high and it is practically impossible that there can be life there.
Nasa astronomers in California have found a planet in a multi-star system. 30 Ari b (illustration shown) has four stars in its system - two sets of binary stars. In this image the primary star is in the foreground and its companion to the left, while the planet is in the middle and the other two stars are top right
Regarding the last sentence I think if you may have life, although not understand this, I think there may be organisms to withstand these high temperatures. Organizations  of other materials that support these temperatures.
Surely if I now hear some expert would laugh at me.
I hope you will continue to investigate all these things new planteas and galaxies because if we discovered new organisms could make progress much.



Author: Sònia Fernández Vidal.
It was publish on 2012

This book is about a girl, who tells Laila Fortuny and that girl works on the CERN that is an accelerate of particle. She works of waiter in a coffee and one day while she was serve she meets a really beautiful periodist. He was tall, he was blonde, he had a beautiful blue eyes and he was so likeable, his name was Alessio. Laila really likes this periodist and she felt a love at first sight but she only serve he. Other day in the coffee appears a doctorate student, he was Brian, he was tall also, but he was brown with green eyes. He was beautiful too and Laila didn't know what she liked more.

While past the days the two boys wants to meet Laila and she at the first time only meets them like friends. But one day the two boys kiss she and she didn't know how what she do. She for the time follow to stay with two boys. The two boys had all because Laila fall in love with he and can to start a relationship but Laila didn't know how what she do against.

One day Laila, the two boys and her friends went to camping in a lake and there all explode. Because as Brian as Alessio wants to stay with Laila alone and they start to fought. When the other friends can to separate, Brian went to a lake to swim when a water current take Brian. They called for an ambulance and when Brian got to leave of water he get on the ambulance and went to the hospital.

When we wants to read more the book finish. You don't know what happen after, this book have an open end.


In my opinion I really like this book for people who had between 12 to 15 years old because it's a romantic story. I think that when a person had about 16-17 years have to read books more interesting like I don't know Eragon or La teoría del todo, etc. When I read that book I really love that but now if I read I probably dislike. Because when I bought it I thought that this book was about physics and love but it's 90% stories of love. 

dilluns, 1 de juny del 2015


This term I did a presentation with Adirà that he is one of my best friends and we did about gender violence because we thought that it's interesting for explain and for open the eyes to the people that not only be gender violence to man by woman. There are lots of cases to woman by man but well in the presentation I explain it. When we was doing the presentation we didn't have almost no problems the only problem that we had was that we thought different things and we argue our diferences untill we arribe an agreement. I'm really happy for did this presentation because I didn't know how women mistreament by man and I can saw that this is a feminist society. I hope that the people know this cases quickly and that together we can to do anything for change all these situations.

First, I think that we had a good presentation and there was good structure. But I think that we can to improve our prezi because we put on it a few of images. The mark for me in our presentation is an 8%.

Second, I think that I have to improve the body lenguage and the eye contact because when I present I feel so nervous and I can't to explain it like I practice. But I think that I merit an 8%.

Third, I think that we had a good structure and I put on our mark an 8%. The content was so good because we explain the two type of mistermeant and we put an example and for this reason I think that we can have an 25%.

I think that our lenguage was so good because we send the content to the teacher for correct them and I think that the lenguage we can have an 15%.

I think that my pronuntation isn't ok because I had an catalan accent and it's so dificult forme but I think that with a practice I can to improve. 8%.

And the final mark I think that I merit is a 72%.


This Saturday, on 30th of May I went to a wedding with my boyfriend and his family. I was one month searching the perfect gown but I didn't find anything and for this reason I felt so stressed because this week I began the final exams and I didn't have time to bought my gown and well you know, I wanted to go perfect. On Sunday I went to "la Jonquera" to buy my gown but against I didn't find anything. And as a last resort I went in Empuriabrava in a small shop and there I found my gown. I only just had to try four dresses. The first gown was yellow and it was nice but I didn't like much. It was It was long knee and shoulder straps but I knew that it wasn't my gown. The second one was blue and I'm in love with that gown because it was so simple but so elegant too and when I tried it I knew that one day this gown will be mine. It was tight chest and under the chest I put a black bow and the rest was width. This summer this gown will be mine. The third one was so elegant  it was white with a black cloth and a white bow, when I tried I like that gown but I think that it was so serious for a wedding and I like to dress with happy colours but I like that dress so much. And the last one, the final gown was like a vintage style because it's blue on the top and on the skirt is white with a print with the colours blue, green and a little bit of purple. In the change of the skirt I wear a blue bow. To give a touch of glamour I put on a green blazer. If you read this you think that the gown is strange because it have a lot of colours but you see in the picture how is the outfit.