dilluns, 25 de maig del 2015


Last Friday, in particular, on 22nd of May I did 17 years old and yes I had an English exam! For starter I want to explain you how was that day for me. So let's go!

On Friday my mother woke up me at 7 am o'clock like any day but she woke up me with a birthday song, after two minutes my sister came in my bed too. Then I went to breakfast and I found a box under my cup and I think -Wow I have a gift!- I opened the box and I saw that it was a go pro. I felt so excited because I didn't expect that and the first I thought was that I'm going to enjoy this summer because I will do windsurf, horse riding, volley beach, I will go to my boat and my kayak with my friends and I hope that with my boyfriend, etc. Well I thought that my day started so good but all changed when I arrived to my High School because all my friends says happy birthday to me but they were so distant with me and I felt so disappointed because it was my birthday and I was alone. When I went at home for lunch my sister didn't came too because she went to her friends for lunch. When I arrived at home I lunch alone and I sang happy birthday for me like a sad movie. After lunch, I had to prepare my train bag and I went to Olot like all Wednesdays and Fridays. There I stayed with my friends two hours before the training. When we finished the training my team brought me a cake and I felt so good again. Then I was impatient for see my boyfriend because I knew that I went to dinner with he.

When I arrived at home I found my boyfriend, Marc, on my bedroom and he tells me that I had to dress elegant. When I finished I get into my car and closed my eyes. My boyfriend take me to dolce vitta and when we enter in the restaurant I saw a big table with all my friends. And it was the best night of this year because I don't hope that. I love so much all of them.

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