dimarts, 5 de maig del 2015



Hi Rosie!

On saturday I'm going to a new shopping centre and I would like to go with you. My father gave me a lot of money for my birthday and I want to shop new clothes. And you know that there is a "tous" shop and I know that you love this brand too and If you want we can to meet there at 10 am.

I hope see you on Saturday!


Hi boy!

Well here I can practice a lot of sports because we have many options, for example: we have beaches to practice windsurf, kitesurf, sail and whatever you like because we have a good weather and a perfect wind. I also can practice padelsurf and swim in the beach when there's no wind. If I don't want to practice a water sport I can go to horse riding around the Aiguamolls. I can fly on a windoor or if I want I can practice sky diving.

Here I have a lot of opportunities for practice whatever sport I like.

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