dimarts, 16 de febrer del 2016


I'm in second of Batxillerat, I'm doing the cientific Batxillerat and I have to say that is the worse thing that I could do because until I start Batxillerat I have a sleeping disorder. I feel stress every day all day and my family tells me that I don't be Laura I'm bad-temepered all day and until I started Batxillerat I always eat alone because my family don't want to eat with me for my character.

I feel so stress because we finish on 18th of May and we had so exams and we haven't time and our teachers and our parents put us pressure and we also put us pressure and I don't know. I want to finish and to know that I can study the degree that I want and to enjoy the travell that we organize with my friends in Mallorca and then enjoy the summer.

But if I couldn't study the degree that I want because of I don't have enought mark I don't know what I do next year and it was so scare for me. I feel so cowardly and I don't know anything that could be happen. I only want that everything goes well but if it not I don't know what I have to do.

I hope that these month happen so fast because I can't more with all this pressure I need sleep and I need to relax.

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