dilluns, 15 de febrer del 2016


This year I can't went on Roses carnival because I felt ill but next weekend was Castelló d'Empúries carnival and I want to went yes or yes. That week coincide with Pau's birthday and we went to Tagliatella dress up by panda and we sorprise he with a dinner. And we celebrated his birthday. It was so funny because you know that Tagliatella is a restaurant a bit expensive where people went well dressed and we was 30 people dress up by a panda bear, it was funny!

Then, when we finished of dinner we has to went to Castelló d'Empúries but we were in Empuriabrava and how we had to do for went to Castelló? Well when we leave of Tagliatella we realise that most of people call her parents and went with a car. We were about 10 people or more who didn't have any car so we decide to went to Castelló d'Empúries walking. We thought that it was far away but when we start to walk then it was so near because we were talking and when we realise we arrived in Castelló.

So then started the party! I remember that it was fantastic because until we study Batxillerat we never be together and in Castelló d'Empúries carnival we always are together. We dance all night and we sing all songs of the party, we're so happy and I think that this was the better carnival. Our dress up was a panda bear and we haven't cold.

When the night finished I remember that I has to go home walking and tomorrow at 6 o'clock I woke up to play volleyball in Barcelona so I didn't sleep that night and I went to play. I do so good game and when the game finished I sleep in the bus all of road to go home. But on Saturday my friends and me went to carnival agains. It was so funny and so exhausting at the same time.

On carnival I realise that I want to finish Batxillerat only for enjoy the summer with my friends because I know that next year most of them study in a different places and we don't see like now.

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