dimarts, 1 de desembre del 2015


LAURA CATALÁNThe intention of this opening statment is to the model have a reflection about if she is really as beauty as she think because he wants an other patient and the doctor knows that women are more sensitive than men and he profit of that to make more plastic surgery and to be more rich. In my opinion I think that all day we are comparing with top models or with the people who around we and when we do that we don't realize that we are destroying our personality and our beauty because when one person are confident and happy then the people see he or she with other eyes, you see an atractive person and he or she don't change his body they only be happy with all what he likes.
TOPIC 7LAURA CATALÁN:I think that our society is to affected of beauty and we are so obsess with our bodies. We have to realize that what do we are beauty and young are our personality and our thinking. We have to realize that we only have one life and we have to enjoy it because we are humans, one day we are going to die and then, after our death what people will remember is our goodness, our thinking and they wouldn't remember our beauty. For example in these 4 years in my family were die 4 people, all of them were old like 50, 80 years old and I now when I thinking about they I remember, for example, with my great-grandmother when we were doing sew up together. We have to forget this stupid obsesion with our body and start to be happy because a life is one.

In my opinion this video show that in our society the beauty of women are so much imiportant that the beauty of man because always the women are in the streats pose in a photo but they are in underwear. When you see that you involuntarily are introducing in yourself this concept of beauty this concept of the women is an object because she onle have to exhibit her body to feels good. That's stupid because all people would have to feels good with theirself but the industry are control the society and we follow the rules that they put on the society. If we stop that rules for example that one girl isn't beauty if she isn't slim or if a boy isn't beauty if he isn't muscular, etc. we have to stop this. We have to teach in our generation and the next generation that the beauty it founds inside of the people not in his image.


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