divendres, 6 de maig del 2016



Nowadays people use too much their mobile phone and as a result of that many people suffer a traffic accident because of they are looking their mobile, people who were walking looks their mobile and they don't realize that they are crossing the street and that produce lots of run over.

So a German city put lights in the crosswalk because people who is using the mobile looks the red light in the street and then stops.

It experiment starts after a 15 years old girl dies because of while she was using her mobile a tram run over her.

So people try to increase security because they don't know what they have to do because people are atending in the street while they are crossing and people stop using their mobile because it's dangerous if you don't realize the rest.

I think that people above all young people are addict to mobile and that is dangerous because they need to use their mobile all day while they are driving, while they are in class, while they are eating, while they are crossing the streets, etc. and that's so dangerous because it produce lots of accidents and people always think that the accidents only happen to other people and never to they but for bad luck they realize that they have to be more prudent when they are in the hospital or when a member of their family or a friend die for an accident. I think that we have to be more prudent but that it's impossible because we don't realize about anything until we fall face down and as a result of that, the society have to take new safety restraint.

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