diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

I'M YOURS - Jason Mraz

Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
Now I'm trying to get back

Bé, tu me la vas jugar i pots apostar que ho vaig sentir
He intentat estar fred, pero tu ets tan calenta que em fonies
Vaig caure just en les esquerdes
Ara estic intentant tornar

Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my best test
And nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention.
I reckon, It's again my turn
To win some or learn some.

Abans que tot allò que és bo s'acabi
Donaré el millor de mi 
I no hi haurà res que m'aturi tret d'una intervenció divina
Crec que altra vegada, és la meva oportunitat 
de guanyar o d'apendre alguna cosa

But I won't hesitate 
No more, no more.
It cannot wait,
I'm yours.

Però no dubtaré més
mai més, mai més
No puc esperar,
sóc teu.

Well, open up your mind and see like me,
Open up your plans and damn you're free.
Look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love, love.
Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing, we're just one big family
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved, loved, loved, loved, loved

Bé, obra la teva ment i mira com jo
Obra els teus plans i les teves maladicció i seràs lliure
Mira dins del teu cor i hi trobaràs amor, amor, amor, amor.
Escolta la música del moment, la gent balla i canta, només som una gran família
I és el nostre punyeter dret ser estimats, estimats, estimats, estimats, estimats

So I won't hesitate

No more, no more.
It cannot wait,
I'm sure.
There's no need to complicate.
Our time is short.
This is our fate,
I'm yours.

No dubtaré més
mai més, mai més
no puc esperar,
estic segur.
No hi ha la necessitat de complicar-se 
el nostre temps és curt
és el nostre destí,
sóc teu.

Do you, but do you do, but you don't want to come on, scooch on over closer, dear

And I will nibble your ear

Però tú, tu no vols venir, acosta't una mica al foc estimada
i et "mossegaré" l'orella

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer 
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and I laughed.

He estat fugint massa temps mossegant-me la llengua davant del mirall
I doblegant-me davant les inconveniències tan sols per intentar veure-ho clar
Però el meu alè va entalar el vidre
I així vaig dibuixar una nova cara i vaig riure.

I guess what I'll be saying is there ain't no better reason

To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons.
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue.

Suposo que el que estic diguent és que no hi ha una raó millor
perquè et desfagis de la vanitat i et deixis emportar
és el nostre propòsit
el nostre nom és la nostra virtud

But I won't hesitate

No more, no more.
It cannot wait, 
I'm yours.

Però no dubtaré més
mai més, mai més
No puc esperar,
sóc teu.

Listen, well open up your mind and see like me,
Open up your plans and damn you're free.
Look into your heart and you'll find that the sky is yours.
So please don't, please don't, please don't...
There's no need to complicate.
'Cause our time is short.
This oh, this oh, this is our fate.
I'm yours.

Escolta, bé, obra la teva ment i mira com jo,
obra els teus horitzons i la maladicció i seràs llilure
mira dins del teu cor i trobaràs que el cel és teu
Doncs si us plau no, si us plau no, si us plau no...
no hi ha necessitat de complicar-se
perquè el nostre temps és curt
aquest oh, aquest oh, aquest és el nostre destí.
Sóc teu.

This is my favourite song because it has a really beauty melody and when I was little I didn't understand the letter and I only listen to that song for the melody but nowadays I have a better level of English than when I was little and I understand the letter. And this song talks about a couple who break up their love but the man wants to try again and he tells she that they had to forget all and starts again because our life is short and they have to enjoy the time.

In my opinion, I think that Jason Mraz has the reason because we only had one life we have to enjoy it and it doesn't matter what people tells us because it's impossible to like everybody. I think that when you're in love with somebody you have to tell him because you never knows what could happen and you know the life is short and you have to enjoy it. I think that people who tell what they think (always carefully) are happier, people who tell "forget all our past and try again because it was simply, I love you." is people who know that the life is for enjoying it and for anything and if they wants to enjoy their life with you by their side why aren't tell you that? I don't know, I think that if somebody tells you that it's because he really love you and you shouldn't say no because it's an opportunity to enjoy your life. You have to jump into the pool and see what happen only then you could tell that you fail or no.   

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