dijous, 14 de gener del 2016


I usually use five media everyday when I have time, I use whats app all day, Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat and a web, Asco de Vida. But now I can see that I visit this five media every day and I have to take minimum two hours to see all of this media. I ought to stop this and choose maximum three media to visit every day. I'm not able to leave without my mobile and that's a problem but my mobile is my tool.

On the one hand my friends and my boyfriend that leave 20 minutes far with a car and I only comunicate with them with my mobile. But only when I'm with my friends or my boyfriend I'm able to leave the mobile for hours bcause when I'm with them I'm really happy. That mean that I'm not really happy when I'm not with they. 

On the other hand I think that Batxillerat is to hard yet and for me is double hard because of my dreaming disorder. This situation is so depressing for me and my mobile is my only scape road to distract. 

My mobile is my life because there I have all of me: I have my photos,     xats with my friends and boyfriend, my CV, etc. 
Now I open my eyes and I realize that my mobile is also my toy when I'm bored. I must stop my addiction to my mobile.

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