dimarts, 3 de desembre del 2013


I don't like this book, because I don't like every that horror thinks (books, films...). But well I read this book because is obligatory. The book is a man who his family was rich, but he lost every Money. Dupin is a detective, he met a guy in a bookshop and he went to live with him on a floor. One night there was a murder in the Rue Morgue. A unknown killed two woman. The murderer put a girl outside in the garden and the other was in tha chimney. Anyone knew who was the murderer. Dupin and his schoolmate investigated the murder and they found the mistery.


I don't look horror films because I hate horror films. But in class we watch a "sleepy hollow" this film is more than mistery would fear and I like this film. It's a film that in a town be a murderer. A man who is die is a murderer and he is a horseman without head. This horseman kill the people with a axe or a sword and cut his head. This horseman did this because a woman exhume his tomb and put his head (or the skull) and the horseman is her slave. He cut the heads of the people that his housewife milking.


In 24th of December, my cousins and me goes to the restaurant for eat. It is very funny because we are 6 cousins the older is Oriol, then is Maria, Jana, Gemma, my sister and me. Gemma and Oriol are brothers and Maria and Jana are sisters. Oriol and Maria are more than 18 years old and we goes to a restaurant in a car. We do this because is an excuse for see. We happen very good. We are a mad family and this day we take adventage of buy the gifts and we always bougth a Money box that he have shape of pig. It's very funny and ours parents are very happy with this gift. I wait with impatience this day. 24th of December!


Júlia is my little sister, I am 15 years old and she is 13 years old. We have a very diferent character and we fight so much. Before we fight everyday but now we fight a time of two weeks or a month. My sister before plays handball but she saw that I play volleyball and she became play volley with me. She is very beautiful and I loves Júlia but she's get very nervous and she lose the patience very quick. She is a very important person in my life because without my sister, I don't be I. She makes me feel happy everyday because she is very funny when she is talk and the people that enveloped is funny. Is the best sister of the world and althougt we fight I always love she.


Nunú is my dog. It is a mixture between pitbull and labrador. It is white and brown, its a beautiful dog. Everybody be in accordance with Nunú is the most beautiful and cute dog that they are see. I'm happy when the people says me this. Nunú makes me feel good when I have a problem, it is very loving and always when I arrive at home it is the first that feel happy and it me to have a lot of kisses. I love this dog. I don't have words for describe what I sit for Nunú!

The other dog is his son, but I don't want talk about Fura because it die at 21th June because it borke a leg and it don't have treat.


When I do the test I feel very impress because the all of the result are very high and I sorprended because, yes this test have a part of reason but, I don't have self and the test say that my self is the thing that I less in the test but I think that have to more low. I see that the kinaesthetic, visual/spatial, musical and interpersonal are the most things but I don't know why. Well I'm very confuse because I think that my results be much worse. Well I'm very happy that my results.


I'm acording to this animal because, to part of that it is so cute, I'm very interessed at psycology, dance, cinema, nature,... And I see that this test have a meny reason in everything what he says. I'm very happy with the animal that I am. I believe that this animal and me have a lot of coincidences and I like it.

Prairie Dog
Genus and species:
Synonyms ludovicianus
Collective Term:
A association of prairie dogs
Careers and Hobbies
Social work
Famous Prairie Dogs
Gwyneth Paltrow
Julia Roberts
Rosie O'Donnell,
Mary Tyler Moore

If the words infectiously mischievous remind you of anyone, then chances are that you have a prairie dog in your life. Petite, attractive and intelligent, this creature's free time is spent in bucolic surroundings, playing socially bonding games with friends and family. But despite its insatiable curiosity, the prairie dog is cautious about venturing into the unknown and the conflict between its homebody tendencies and restless intellect defines its personality.
Like most insectivorous creatures, prairie dogs are wary of strangers and are anxious to turn them into allies. Even though it leaves an indelible mark on its community, only a handful of people ever claim to truly know a prairie dog. This subtle alienation distresses the gregarious prairie dog who suffers its periodic bouts of loneliness in silence.
As letter writers, prairie dogs are without equal. Typical of the social animals, they are generous and unselfish with their time and find sharing to be a source of pleasure. Their personal lives are well organized and they confidently tackle life's challenges while building a successful career. Prairie dogs derive a great deal of pleasure from nature and return the favor by conscientiously recycling and encouraging their community to do the same. They spend most of their recreational time at play with close friends and avoid competitive sports that require physical contact. Instead, they prefer group activities that cement social bonding, like card and board games.
Prairie dogs love music and dancing. Outdoor concerts are a special treat, where they draw energy from the crowd under an open sky. They are also creative and enthusiastic lovers, taking pleasure in their partner's pleasure. They are not drawn to any physical type in particular, but seek lovers to whom they can connect on a spiritual level. It is with small woodland personalities -- cottontails, deer and foxes -- that the prairie dog finds its natural balance. It is wont to take the art of lovemaking less seriously than one might expect, viewing sex as simply another opportunity to communicate. This seemingly disinterested approach can disappoint a casual lover who expects something kinkier from this otherwise enthusiastic little creature.


The comic relief is a short part of story that serves to liberate tension. Because in the horror films is a very much time that your feel fear and you need a small time where you be relax. I don't see horror films but the small parts of the films that I see in class I laughing because I see the comic relief. I think that the sleepy hollow when the leading it turns in a mad man because he saw the horseman and he be traumatized.


The director of suspense was Hitchcock. He often used in his horror films the graphic violence, the music was veri important because it created tension ans suspense and use knifes and blood, appear shower and stairway murders. He used to create more suspense subjective càmera.


The narrator is the leading of the story. This narrator explain that he leaves with a old man and he want to kill him because this man have an horrible eye. He goes to his room to kill him, but he have a problem, when he goes to his room the old man be sleep. Like the murderer (narrator) don't see his eye therefore don't have take to kill the man. Every nigth goes attempt to it but every nigth he same thing happens to him. Until one day the old man awake and the murderer commit a crim.
Edgar Allan Poe wrote the tell-tale heart and invented the first macabre story.  The first P.S.H. was published is Metzengerstein in 1832. Then, Poe wrote more tales as "The Tell-Tale Heart","The Black Cat" and "William Wilson".


THE GOTHIC NOVEL (G.N.), the first horror

The gothic novel was invented by Horace Walpole, in the eighteenth century. The first novel was "The Castel of Otranto", publicated in 1764. The elements of gothic novel are inanimate objects coming to life, visions, breathlessness (dificultat al respirar), women in distress (angoixa), sorrow (tristesa), haste (pressa), anger (cabrejar), footsteps approaching (petjades acostant-se), clanking chains (soroll de les cadenes), crazed laughter (riure de boig-malvat).