dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2015



Vidir Bjorsson is the photograph of this rare rainbow in Iceland.
He explain that he and his friend were going with a car one night that was raining so much and they can't believe that what they saw. A rainbow at night! They tell us that they stop the car to take a photography of that incredible, beauty and magic thing.

A rainbow appears when moonlight, instead than direct sunlight, is refracted by moisture in the atmosphere. This happens unusually even Iceland but sometimes it happens and we can't see the rainbow because the light is white.

I really love the nature and of course I really love the rainbows too and I think that it's a magical thing and I wants to see one, also I wants to see an Aurora borealis. I always think that if one day I have the opportunity to see one of that two things I'll feel so relax and I think that it would be a special moment that I can't describe because I'm a person who is really love when I have time for stay alone and thinking about all, and I really enjoy only observing and as a result of that I think that if I'll see a rainbow I'll enjoy it more than the other people.


"US scientists say they have bred a genetically modified (GM) mosquito that can resist malaria infection."
Malaria is a illness that it's transmit with a mosquitoes sting and it's so dangerous because every year die about 580 000 people. Scientists to avoid that the people die did an experiment. They put a new resistance gene (CRISPR) into the mosquito's own DNA. This gene is heredity and that's too important because it means that all mosquitoes that have this gene when sting people don't transmit malaria.
The University of California have an experiment for checking that the gene will pass on all generations of mosquitoes. They do that experiment with an Indian mosquitoes and for good luck that's function because almost 100% of the next generation of the mutate mosquitoes was resist malaria.
Prof David Conway, UK expert from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said: "It's not the finished product yet but it certainly looks promising. It does look like the genetic editing works."
For the other side, there are other scientists that say that if we do an unfertile mosquitoes but if we do that then the mosquitoes will be extinct and that's can produce no wish effects on the nature.
In my opinion I think that this is a great solution because the mosquitoes can leave and we haven't to guard of the malaria. I really think that we don't have to extinct the mosquitoes because if we do that we will change the nature unnaturally and we don't know the nature reaction effects. We have to learn to leave with a sting mosquitoes.

dijous, 19 de novembre del 2015



Cullinan is the biggest diamond to be discovered in South Africa and cut into nine separate stones, many of which are in the British Crown Jewels.

Then the world's second-largest diamond found in Botswana with 1,111 carat stone and it's the biggest of the century.  
Lucara found also other stones and it was the best week for he because he found the world's second-largest diamond and the world's sixth-largest diamond. These two stones are yet to be evaluated but they have the potential to be one very expensive diamond. In April one diamond evaluated for 100 carat was sell for 22.1$ in New York. 
But all is a longest process because they have to cut, polish and perfect the gem and it wants that they can work with the gem about one year.

Wow! They found the world's second-largest diamond in South Africa! Well I think that in South Africa the first world countries take a profit to the third world countries because the people of the third world works so hard and collect just a bit. And I think that the diamonds and the beautiful stones brings out the bad side of people and as a result of that we have bad dealings with somebody. I know that in our society the beauty stones are so important because we are in a superficial society and we only makes important the opinion of the other people. We only wants that the people seeing that we have money and that's all. I think that yes, I really like diamonds and beauty stone but when I think all of people starving that work for found that stone I only wants to throw it in the trash.

dissabte, 14 de novembre del 2015


My self-evaluation: in my opinion I think that is the best oral presentation that I never done because it was the first time that I can stand up and explain for the class without so many nervous.
Following the format that our teacher give us I think that my mark is:

PRESENTATION: 10% because I know that Martí and I was 4 hours working about the presentation because we wants to be perfect and to get attention of our classmate.

BODY LANGUAGE: In my opinion I think that also we have a 10% because while we were explain we never look at the paper and we always were looking at the classmate and at the teacher. And when we explains anything that we supposed that the classmate don't knows we pointed at the image for helping us to understand our presentation.

STRUCTURE: 10% because when you look on the note board you for the first look you have a good impression and when we explain all was in order; firstly the introduction, secondly the plot of the series, thirdly the main characters of the series, fourthly curiosities of the series and finally one video of the best moments of one character.

CONTENT: 35% Because I think that we didn't explain all of that series but we only had 5 min per person to explain a lot of things and we decide to summarize a little bit. But the content that we explained was all true and the two curiosities and the end of the series I think that are so important to put in the content.

LANGUAGE: 15% Because we aren't English persons and although our teacher correct us our presentation before we present we haven't a perfect language because most of the language that we used I think that our teacher would have changed.

PRONUNCIATION: 8% I know that my pronunciation isn't perfect but I think that in two summers that I have work and I speak some English I get better with my pronunciation, and I listen so songs in English because they are so beautiful and I really love to sing them but for sing I have to know the letter and when I know the letter I can sing and improve my pronunciation.

Then my mark is for me an 8.8.      

dijous, 12 de novembre del 2015



The European eagle owl is one of the world's largest owl species, with a wing-span of up to 1.8m (6ft) and weight up to 3kg (7lbs).

In Holanda there are a owl that attack people in the night. The people don't know why and they don't know what they can do for stop this because two runners are wounded for an owl attack and In a residence this owl already done 15 attacks.

The solution that they find is that first the people don't leave and second bring a falconer. The Dutch Owl Foundation says the animal strange behaviour it's maybe for the hormone because it's the time to mating.

I think that it's frightened because imagine that you can't to leave alone and if a owl attacks you I don't know it's like live in a horror film. It's really dangerous because they attack in the head and they can to kill you. Well I wait for they find a solution because the people can't to live in the night.

dimecres, 4 de novembre del 2015


"Laughter is strong medicine for mind and body"

Some people believe that laughter is only useful for having a good time with other people but it's more than that.

Firstly, laughter relaxes the whole body, relieves physical tension and stress. Besides, according to scientists, laughter improves our resistance to disease and protects our heart.

Secondly, laughter makes you feel happy, in love, like the king of the world and avoid you from feeling angry, or sad, anxious or overwhelmed.

Thirdly, laughter makes you to click with other people because when you speak and you two are laughing for anything that makes that you two click.

In conclusion, laughter only makes you feel good with yourself and you can see that if laughter disappears the world would be darker.



When your legs don't work like they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

And, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70
And, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23
And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Well, me - I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am

So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are

When my hair's all but gone and my memory fades
And the crowds don't remember my name
When my hands don't play the stings the same way 
I know you will still love me the same

'Cause honey your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen
And, baby, your smile is forever in my mind and memory
I'm thinking about how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe it's all part of a plan
Well, I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
Hoping that you'll understand

That, baby, now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
Thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are

la la la la la la la ...

So, baby, now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Oh, darling, place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are
Oh, baby, we found love right where we are
And we found love right where we are
Quant les teves cames no funcionin com ho solien fer abans,
i jo ja no pugui tornar-te boja
Recordarà encara la teva boca el sabor del meu amor?
Somriuran encara els teus ulls desde les teves galtes?

Estimada, estaré estiman-te fins que tinguem 70 anys,
i cainyo, el meu cor podrà sentir encara com als 23,
i estic pensant en com
la gent s'enamora de maneres misterioses,
potser només el frec d'una mà,
bueno, en el meu cas, jo m'enamoro de tu cada dia,
i només volia dir-te que ho estic.

Així que carinyo, ara,
agafa'm en els teus braços amorosos,
besam sota la llum de mil estrelles,
col·loca el teu cap sobre el meu cor que batega,
estic pensant en veu alta,
potser trobem l'amor
just on estem. 

Quan se m'hagi caigut tot el cabell
i els meus records s'hagin esvaït,
i les multituds no recordin el meu nom,
quan les meves mans no toquin les cordes igual,
se que tu encara m'estimaràs igual.

Perquè el cel, la teva ànima mai podrà envellir,
és de fulla perenne,
i nena, el teu somriure estarà per sempre
en la meva ment i memòria .
Estic pensant en com
la gent s'enamora de maneres misterioses,
i potser tot és part d'un plà,
jo només seguiré cometent els mateixos errors,
esperant que tu ho entenguis
que, carinyo, ara
agafa'm en els teus amorosos braços,
besam sota la llum de mil estrelles,
col·loca el teu cap sobre el meu cor que batega,
estic pensant en veu alta,
potser trobem l'amor
just on som.

Així que cairinyo, ara,
agafa'm en els teus amorosos raços,
besam sota la llum de mil estrelles,
oh estimada, col·loca el teu cap sobre el meu cor que batega,
estic pensant en veu alta,
potser trobem l'amor just on estem,
potser trobem l'amor just on estem,

i trobem l'amor just on estem.

I choose this song because it have a beautiful melody and a really beautiful writing. I adore romantic songs because I feel identify with most of them. This song I think that it's about two friends that they are in love and the man wants to say she all of his sentiments and how wold change his life if she didn't be part of his life.
I really like this sentence "kiss me under the light of a thousand stars"  because it's like says all and anything at the same time. If I was a cold person when I read this sentence I wouldn't been anything but when a person like me read this sentence I feel a mixture  of sentiments and I think that in this sentence it means that when he kiss she they would be in his world they would be lost in the big universe and they would be the perfect two. 
I listen this song always when I feel sad or when I need to relax because it's so calm and it relax me. I need songs like this for carry with my life and don't feel stress.