dilluns, 10 de març del 2014


Eric is my boyfriend he is 18. Eric speak catalan spanish and dutch. He work on bonpreu in the morning in the afternoon he go to the mecanic school when he finished that he go to Roses in to the pool and swim. In the weekend he practice motocross. We see a few because he be busy and I be study and I be play volleyball. I miss Eric because we meet on October and he don't was busy but on 1st of February he started work. When we stay together we go to the beach, we go to the cinema, he helps me study and thanks of his help I climb my marks, he teach me go with motorcycle... Well we try to be happy and study. I love Eric.


These weekend was Carnival on Castelló d'Empúries and I was dress up of sailor top. I went to the party of Friday and to the party of Saturday. On Friday I went with Núria and Campio that they were dress up of cowgirl and bull. On Saturday I went with Núria, Campio, Daiana, Quim and Eric it was the best party of these year for the moment! But I have to went at home at 3:30 am because on Sunday Eric goes to Vidreres on 8:00 am. Althougth we went home quickly we felt happy! We dance a lot of time and we stay with ours friends. It was a fabulous night I never will forget these night.

The history of my horse "Petita"

When I was little, I don't remember my age, I had a new horse that I baptise "Petita" because it was very slim. In summer I enjoy it a lot because all days I went in my field and I ride "Petita". But I had a very big problem, "Petita" was fearful and it was a problem for me because I was little and I don't control it. I ride "Petita" in my field and it went good but when I want did an excursion it was impossible. My dad tell me that I fall down again he sell "Petita" on the slaughterhouse. For the "cavallada" (a party that the people who have horses find and do a promenade to the village) "Petita" was fearful for a car and I fall down again. That day was the first day that I cry for fall because I knew that my horse die. My dad two days later call slaughterhouse and he bring "Petita" and this is the end of "Petita". Now I felt bad when I think that. I too miss "Petita".

Valentine's day

 Valentine's day is one of American's most popular holidays. More than 62% of Americans celebrate by sending greeting cards and flowers, sending candy or other gifts, enjoying romantic dinners or all three. The question is somewhat surprising.
Its origin comes from the roman festival "Lupercalia". The church chose Mid-February day to become Valentine's day.
The first valentine greetings appeared in the 15th century. In the 17th century people with great Britan started a tradition of exchanging cards or letters. Valentine's day it is a major consumer holiday. Today it send 1 bilion of cards more than anyother holidays except christmas. More than 35 milion of bonbon and 220 milion of rose are sell. All together american spend take 20$ billion. 130 dolars per person. The most popular things are candy and flowers.


divendres, 7 de març del 2014

Romeo and Juliet

These is an history about the prohibit love between Romeo, a Montague, and Juliet, a Capulet.They families are hated the other. Romeo meet Juliet in a party of Capulets and he feel in love. Juliet is obligatory marry with Paris but she don't want. Romeo in a figth kill Tybalt, a Juliet's cousin but Juliet would rather marry with Romeo than Paris. Romeo and Juliet figth for his love and they decide do a secret wedding. For do it Juliet have to drink a liquid and then she sleep about 42h. Romeo inform that Juliet die and when he went to look her boddy he drink a poison and he die. When Juliet wake up see that Romeo die and she take a knife and commit suicide. And that's the end off the fight between Montagues and Capulets.

when I look at you - Miley Cyrus

Everybody needs inspiration
Everybody needs a song
A beautiful melody, when the night's so long
'Cause there is no guarantee, that this life is easy
Yeah, when my world is falling apart
When there's no, light to break up the dark
That's when I, I, I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I, I look at you
When I look at you, I see forgiveness, I see the truth
You love me for who I am like the stars hold the moon
Right there where they belong
And I know I'm not alone
Yeah, when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark                  
That's when I, I, I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I, I look at you
You appear just like a dream to me
Just like kaleidoscope colors that cover me
All I need, every breath that I breathe
Don't you know, you're beautiful
Yeah, yeah,yeah
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I, I look at you
I look at you
Yeah, yeah, oh, oh
You appear just like a dream to me
Tothom necessita una inspiració
tothom necessita una cançó
una preciosa melodia, quan la nit és llarga
la causa d'aquí no és cap promesa, la vida és fàcil.
Quan el meu món cau a part
quan és no, la llum trenca la foscor
quan et miro
Quant les onades inunden la costa
i jo no puc trobar el camí de casa meu enlloc
això passa quan et miro
quan et miro veig el perdó, veig la veritat
M'estimes per qui sóc, més que les estrelles a la lluna
correcte els que  pertanyen
i se que no estic sola
Quan el meu món cau a part
quan és no, la llum trenca la foscor
això passa quan et miro
Quant les onades inunden la costa
i jo no puc trobar el camí de casa meu enlloc
això passa quan et miro
tu aparèixes en un agradable somni amb mi
M'agraden els colors del caleidoscopi que em cubreix
tot el que necessito, tota la respiració que jo respiro
Tu no ho saps, tu ets preciós
Quan les onades inunden la costa
i jo no puc trobar el camí de casa meu enlloc
quan jo et miro
jo et miro
tu aparèixes en un agradable somni amb mi