divendres, 24 de gener del 2014

This year I will...

This year I would like to do a lot of things but I know that this is impossible although I attempt to accomplish all of the thins I say.
  1. lose weight
  2. stay with my friends and my family
  3. love me
I know that there are a few things but I will try accomplish everything. WELCOME 2014!


The christmas for me is a hollidays that I stay with my family, my friends, my boyfriend... This hollidays it's perfect for me because I have my free time and I relax my mind. It's a time that the people give a presents. Everything it's happy and so cute. I love christmas because I can sleep long long long hours, I don't go at high school, I sleep and sleep and sleep a lot of hours... I love the fire and everithing it's PERFECT!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!